Volume 5: Rest and Resolutions

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the seventh episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

The dinner table is abuzz as the currently present members of Team RWBY, Team STRM, the remaining members of Team JNPR and Pallad are all talking over each other indistinctly. The mood is quite cheery, with the children all smiling and laughing.

Yang: How do you lose your map at a time like that?

Pallad: Seriously, how?

Jaune: Believe me, I've asked myself the same thing ever since. But Shadow here got it in the end, though.

Me: Yeah, add to the fact that I froze your hand with the map in it to make sure you won't lose it again....

Yang, Weiss, Pallad and Ruby laugh, with Rachel, Mitchell and Tenka shaking their heads in amusement, while Jaune smiles and giggles sheepishly.

Nora: Hey, but you made up for it, Mister Muscles! You shoulda seen this guy take a giant Grimm head on!

Jaune: I couldn't have done it without Ruby wearing it down.

Ruby: Uh, me? Did you see Ren during that fight? He was out of control!

Ren: I'm sorry, I may have lost my temper momentarily.

Ruby: No, no! Out of control as in "awesome"!

Ren: Oooohhh. (smiles) Thank you.

Everyone at the table bursts into laughter. 

Ren: But you should have seen how Shadow's father fought the Grimm with us. His attacks and defenses are extremely high.

Everyone looks at Shadow as he smiles sheepishely, but needless to say that Ren is correct. As dinner continues, Weiss tells their story about how she accidentally summoned a Boarbatusk, making Ruby gasp.

Ruby: You did not!

Haruto: Oh, she did it alright.

Weiss has her head in her hands.

Weiss: Yeah, right in the middle of the party.

Yang: Please tell me you let that guy and lady have it.

Weiss: Of course not! Even if we did really want to. But if it weren't for Blood Stalk, the party would have stopped.

Me: Blood Stalk??

Weiss: Yeah.....

Nora then crosses her arms, looking skeptical of the ordeal.

Nora: No way, I don't believe it.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now