Always okay

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Shinsou POV

I visited Denki.

It made me really sad.

Maybe you will understand, you know..

What it's like to see the person you love more than anything in a hospital bed..

They could barely keep their eyes open..

Could barely speak..

Barely move...

Because same. (Same for me too)

I'm standing outside of his door, crying.

Why did this have to happen?

To me?!

To Denki!?

I should've been there to protect him!

"Oi mind freak! What the hell are yo-Are you okay extra" Bakugou said/asked.

He's standing infront of me.

He actually looks concerned?

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." I say, wiping my face.

"Sit down. It's obvious you're not." He says sitting down beside me.

I sit down 'cause, what else am I supposed to do?

"Now. Why are you crying dunce face" he asks me.

"It's just..I'm worried..About Denki.." I sigh out.

He sighs too.

"It's okay to be worried. It's okay to cry. It's okay to feel like you want to scream or blow something up. Especially when your loved one could easily die from one wrong move." As he said the last sentence his voice cracked.


Of course!

He loves Kirishima.

He's worried about him.

I think he started to cry too because I heard him sniffle.

"You miss him..don't you" I basically say.

"N-No..I don't miss him!" He says.

He takes a few deep breaths before saying "I don't miss him..I need him.."


He really does love him.

It may not seem like it but he does.

A lot.

"It's gonna be okay Bakugou. Everyone will be fine. Kirishima will be better than ever. You know how he is!" I say, trying to cheer him up.

"Heh..Yeah. He's a ball of sunshine. I look at him and just think.."Damn. I'm gonna marry that thing." And I know he thinks the same about me. Like, have you seen me lately?" He says with a smile.

We chuckle then sit there for a while.

It was nice to talk to someone.

"Dunce face is gonna be okay control-y. You shouldn't worry about him. He's always okay." Bakugou says before standing up and going back into Kirishima's room.

He's right.

I have nothing to worry about.

I should probably see the others now.

Lighting Never Strikes Twice (Depressed! Denki x Shinsou)Where stories live. Discover now