Promise me

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Denki's POV
"This doesn't mean we're friends" Shinsou says before walking back to his dorm. Okay, uhm. Ouch. I thought after today he would atleast say I'm his friend but nope. I shut the door and lay down on my bed. I reach for my back pocket and pull out my phone.

8:39 pm

Since I had that 5 hour nap I'm not tired enough to go to sleep. Not that I would go to sleep at this time anyways, I'm not Bakugou. I wonder how him and Kiri are doing. They started dating a couple weeks ago and Kirishima is somehow even happier than he ever was. He is a ball of sunshine that boy. Bakugou seems more..what's the word..tamed? I don't know but he doesn't lash out at people all the time. Unless it's Midoryia.

Now I'm wondering how him and Todoroki are doing. They've been dating for like, 5 months. It was funny when Midoryia came out to Uraraka because she came out to him too. I think her and Tsu are dating. Damn why is everyone taken? Even Jirou has a girlfriend! I remember when I came out to her hehe. She thought I was gonna confess my love to her lol. Then that's when she said that she likes girls. I was so confused heh..I started to dose off thinking about it. Before I knew it. I was asleep.

The next day (Sunday) Shinsou's POV

I woke up to someone yelling. Probably Bakugou. I get up and open the door. Yep Bakugou. He's yelling at Midoryia for something stupid I bet. I sigh and shut the door so I can get ready for the day. I'm going to the Cat Caffe with dad (Aizawa). He wanted to talk to me about something.

Time skip to at the caffe(Still Shin's POV

I walk in and a ton of cats run towards me. I come here pretty often so the cats know me pretty well. I bend down and scratch their heads then walk over to where dad is. He looks very serious. I sit down across from him and say "Hey dad". He's just staring at me not saying anything. "Soooo what's up?" I ask. He takes a sip of his coffee then looks me up and down. "Are you gay" he asks. Well more like says. I'm kinda taken back at that. "That's very sudden" I say. "Well are you" he says.

I talked to other dad (Mic) about this. We concluded that I'm gay. I just assumed that other dad would tell dad. He didn't otherwise we wouldn't be here. I guess it would be weird if other dad came up to dad and said "Oh by the way our son is gay". Yeah I should've told him. Now it's gonna be awkward.

"Yeah, I am. Can I go back to the dorms now I want to take a nap." I asked. "I guess so. But tell me if you ever like someone 'cause I can help you get them" he says with that weird smile of his. "Yeah yeah I will" I say, leaving the caffe and going back to the dorms.

At the dorms Denki's POV

Me and Sero were laughing at Mina, Bakugou, and Kirishima. Mina and Bakugou are fighting over a spoon and Kiri is between them trying to get them to stop. "What the-Nevermind I'm not going to ask" a voice says from behind us. Uhh. That scared me. When I get scared I jump and usually end up falling. But this time I fell into Sero and he caught me.

It was something you'd see in the movies. Super cliché. "You okay?" he asks. "Yeah dude" I say standing back up.  I look up to see Shinsou. He looks..hurt? He started walking towards the elevator with his head down. I start to run after him of course (plays "Runaway Baby" by Bruno Mars). "Hey bro wait up!" I basically shout. He just walks even faster. How is he capable of walking that fast? At this point I'm literally running after him. He didn't use the elevator he used the stairs so now I feel like I'm in training.

Once we reached our floor he ran to his dorm. I tried to open his door but he locked it. "Dude what's wrong?!" I ask worried.

No response

"Dude I can wait here all day!" I say.

No response

"Fine then! I'll just leave since you don't want me here!" I shout, tears forming in my eyes. I stomp back to my dorm and slam the door. I put my back against it and sit down with my head in my knees. What did I do? Does he hate me? I probably did something. I always do. You're so stupid Kaminari! Why can't you do anything right?! I'm sobbing. I don't care if anyone can hear me or not.

Knock knock

I get up and wipe the tears away. Or well try to. I can't stop crying. Why can't I stop!? Ugh..I open the door and see Midoryia. "Hey Denki I heard crying coming from your room and wondered if everything was alri-" he looked up from the ground and saw me. "Are you okay!?" He asks coming in my room and shutting the door. "Y-Yeah I'm f-fine!" I say between sobs. "You are obviously not!" He says looking around my room.

Deku's POV

Does he have any tissues?! He has to. There they are! Oh lord. There's a bottle of lotion next to it (😏). I grab the box of tissues ignoring the lotion and sit beside Denki on his bed. I hand him a tissue and he takes it. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I think S-Shinsou is mad at m-e and I don't k-know why. I probably did something t-though" he finally says. "You haven't done anything Denki, stop blaming yourself" I say rubbing his back.

It's a trick my mom taught me when I was little. Rubbing circles on someone's back when they're panicking or crying somehow makes them calm down. I can feel his spine? Like, it's sticking out. "When's the last time you ate?" I ask nervously. "I ate something earlier" he said. He's obviously lying. "Denki tell me the truth" I say worried. "Promise you won't tell?" He asks. I nod in agreement. He takes a big breath in then out before saying "3 weeks ago".

3 weeks.

How is he alive.

I walk over to his mini fridge and open it, revealing nothing inside but 2 water bottles.

All those times he said he was going to his room to eat..he wasn't eating..

"How could you do this to yourself?" I ask him with tears in my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry.." he says.

I hug him. I don't know what else to do. So I just..hug him..He stands up and hugs me back, his grip really tight.

"You have to eat something" I say letting him go. "I will" he says wiping his tears.
"Promise me" I say. "I promise" he says back.

Lighting Never Strikes Twice (Depressed! Denki x Shinsou)Where stories live. Discover now