Silent Battle Cry's

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They all landed rather un-gracefully onto a floor much like a ware house.

"We're alone." Arnie observed.

"Well done Sherlock." Elizabeth mocked.

"If I'm Sherlock you're John." Arnie said pointing at Carrie playfully. Elizabeth mimed throwing up making them all chuckle.

"Lets all split up." Douglas said clutching Mattie's shaking hand. "And look for Jerome, when you find him call to the rest of the group if you can."

"Wow, Douglas so inspiring." Breathed Forrest.

Douglas smirked and said. "And don't die."

They all split into the groups and the groups were as follows;

Douglas, Mattie (Of course), Arnie and Elizabeth

Marilyn, August, Romeo and Daisy

Forrest, Wade, Teddy and Nellie

Hazel, Carrie and Harriet


Harriet lead the way using her empathy to sense other peoples emotions. She paused and lifted her hand when she felt a extremely strong wave of anger. After counting to three she whipped into the room and was confronted by four men dressed in black. Jerome's minions she guessed. The first brought up his fist and launched it towards her. However before it could make contact Hazel levitated into the air then left her body and entered his. She made him turn his fist on himself and was knocked out within seconds. A little dazed but all right Harriet turned her attention to the man on her right and drew her bow. The man began to run but was struck by the arrow and collapsed. Fast asleep.

Carrie brought her finger to her head and made the two remaining men attack each other. The girls laughed together and began to collect their weapons when a door opened and a dozen men and women alike charged in.


As soon as all the other groups had dispersed floods of people emerged from the doorways.

Forrest gave Wade a strong smile but Wade moved closer to his sister. He understood Wade fought better with his sister. And he fought better with Teddy.

Wade began to slash at the strangers with his two lucky swords and Nellie disappeared up the wall and onto a ceiling. One minion caught Wade's sword and pushed it back towards Wade's body dangerously close. Just before the blade pierced Wade's skin Nellie dropped like an acrobat from the ceiling and clung to the attackers back. She pulled him down pushing his head into the solid floor. When she rose her and Wade stood next to each other in silent battle cry's.

Teddy and Forrest were surrounded by minions. They searched each others face for a plan and using his superhuman strength Forrest grabbed Teddy's shoulders and used him as a kicking shield. Knocking mass on mass of them down.


August was defeating so many minions he was stuck in defence mode. He used his ability to perceive his opponents next move so as to always be one step ahead but instead this time he perceived Marilyn's next move and she never failed to amaze him.

A massive man and Marilyn were having it out. It was a close fight. Well it was until he pulled out a radioactive gun and it exploded into her. The man spat on the floor and grunted. "Stupid woman." Then began to walk to his next victim. But Marilyn had other ideas. The dust cleared and there she was unharmed the man looked at her horrified. She smiled and and said. "Didn't anyone tell you honey? Never mess with a woman." And brought her hands together as if in a prayer then thrust them towards him. An explosion emitted from her hands and the man was gone.

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