Normal Is Boring

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They went through a series of corridors. And when they got to an Iron door Douglas stopped.

"Okay this is our training room. Now before I open the door I just want to warn you that there may be other mutants in there training." Explained Douglas

"For Christ shake they are just people!" Snapped Arnie. "I'm sure she has seen people before."

"She has." Said Mattie timidly not really sure what to expect.

Douglas opened the door. It was vast room with a colossal roof the walls were lined with weapons and in the room were three people scattered around attacking dummies. When the people realized that someone had come in they stopped.

These people were not at all what Mattie had expected these people were normal. Save the fact that one of them had a non-human feature. One of them was a girl of about seventeen with brown wavy shoulder length hair and vibrant green eyes. The two others were men both of whom looked around nineteen. They both had muscular forms and brown hair but whereas one mans hair was a mass of curls the others was flat and floppy. The one with curly hair had brown sparkling eyes and the other, well the other had these amazing grey eyes that one could get lost in. And what made these two gentlemen different was that the one with curls had two large wings sprouting from his back.

Once the girl set eyes upon Mattie she ran over excitedly.

"You must be Mattie!" The girl exclaimed excitedly. "I'm Carrie pleased to meet you! This is Romeo." Carrie said motioning to the man with curly hair. "And this is August." She said motioning to the other gentlemen.

"We can introduce ourselves!" Said Romeo a smile playing at his lips.

"You're the girl who's caused all the fuss." Said August looking Mattie right in the eye and giving her a friendly smile. He walked over to Mattie and took her in. "And I can see why."

"What are your ability's?" Asked Mattie.

"Oh I must give you all the information you'll need!" Said Carrie motioning towards a sofa on the other side of the room.

"But Rose said we need to find out her ability!" Protested Douglas.

"You'll have plenty of time for that! I shall tell her everything she needs to know!" Said Carrie dismissively.

"Let her." Said Arnie he had a soft spot for Carrie.

"Fine." Said Douglas.

"I see why you wanted to keep her all to yourself." Joked Romeo.

The boys started play fighting then. And it was clear to Mattie that they were all close. Carrie and Mattie sat down. Carrie gave Mattie a smile. "I think it would be best if you read this." Carrie said handing Mattie a folder.

"Okay." Mattie said as she took the folder and opened it.

It read:

Name: Rose Blakely Gift: Plant Manipulation

Name: Arnie Blakely Gift: Portal Creation

Name: Douglas Blakely Gift: Magnetism

Name: Elizabeth Griffen Gift: Path-finding

Name: Carrie Hogue Gift: Mind Control

Name: Romeo Hughes Gift: Wings

Name: Marilyn McCareny Gift: Kinetic Absorption

Name: Nellie Maddison Gift: Wall-crawling

Name: Wade Maddison Gift: Water-breathing

Name: Teddy Middleton Gift: Superhuman ability's

Name: Forest Middleton Gift: Superhuman Strength

Name: Harriet Perkins Gift: Empathy and can communicate with the dead

Name: Hazel Nickels Gift: Possession

Name: August Woods Gift: Perceive the future

"August and Marilyn are going out!" Giggled Carrie in Mattie's ear. Mattie smiled she was glad they were happy. "And the Maddison twins are usually rather quite, so if they don't seem very talkative don't get offended."

"Oh I won't." Said Mattie.

"Okay, have you finished with Mattie now?" Asked Douglas impatiently.

"Yes dear." Smirked Carrie sweetly.

"Right Mattie lets start with.." But he was interrupted by a tall girl with long straight hair as dark as night rushing into the room. She looked tired and scared tears brimming her eyelids.

"What is it Elizabeth?" Asked Arnie rushing towards her.

"Its Marilyn!" Elizabeth cried out. At this August stood up a look of deep worry on his face.

"Whats happened!?" August croaked.

"She's been attacked." Cried Elizabeth.

Her voice bounced off the walls leaving everyone with a sinking emptiness in their stomach.

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