Little Secret

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Ding! Went Mattie's doorbell once again. She hurridley opened the door. 

"What are you wearing?!" Asked Douglas motioning towards Mattie's clothes.

"A dress." Said Mattie while grabbing a clutch purse. "Goodbye Helda!" She called out to her maid. "Her names Helda." She stated.

"Yes, I know its a dress but its hardly appropriate." Said Douglas matter of factly.

"Can we just go please!?" Asked Mattie desperately. Douglas sensed she was in hurry,why? Did she not want anyone to see him? Was he her little secret?

"Fine." Mumbled Douglas.  

When they arrived at Long Island Douglas did exactly as he did prior and they were once again in the secret base.

"Okay first of all we're going to have a meeting with Rose. We all thought it would be best if she'd tell you about Jerome in a civilised manner. Follow me." They walked down a series of corridors until they came to a large brass door. "This is Rose's office." Explained Douglas. He knocked on the grand door and a woman of about 35 opened it. She was the most beautiful woman Mattie had ever seen. She had golden hair that fell to her waist. She was slender but had a big build. 

"Come in." She said beckoning with her hands. She opened the door and sat down with a flourish. Mattie caught a scent of flowers radiating off her.

Arnie was sat on a row of seats opposite Rose's desk. His blonde hair had fallen into his eyes and he blew it away impatiently.

"Please take a seat." Said Rose politely.

Mattie and Douglas both sat on either side of Arnie. "I hope you don't mind my boys being here?" Rose asked directing her question at Mattie.

"Not at all." Replied Mattie smiling nervously.

"Okay from what I gather you want to know about Jerome? Hmm where do I start. Well hes a rouge mutant. He has been an enemy of ours for a while we don't know why but we think he wants you."

"Me?" Squeaked Mattie.

"I'm afraid so. If we were to find out your 'ability' it could point us in the right direction as to finding out why Jerome wants you." Explained Rose.

"Okay,what do I need to..." Began Mattie but she was interuppted by a boy of about eight years of age entering the room. Once he laid his eyes on Mattie he went very red.

"Sorry about this!" Exclaimed Rose rushing to her feet and gently grabbing the boy. "Felix we are busy!" Rose said ushering the boy out. 

"Sorry Mum!" Whimpered Felix tears streaming down his face.

"Now stop that!" Said Rose. Enveloping him into a hug. "Douglas how about you and Arnie take Mattie to the training room." 

"Okay." Said Douglas. As the three left the room Mattie looked back at Rose and Felix. Her mother had never hugged her like that. Felix caught her eye and gave her a little smile as his glasses misted over.

"What are you waiting for Mattie?" Asked Arnie.

"Coming." Mumbled Mattie. Mattie couldn't help thinking about how lucky Felix was.


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