We're All Different From You

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Wildly, Carrie's brown hair swam around her face as she deflected the knife Arnie just threw. His blond hair flopped in front of his eyes and he blew it away impatiently. Carrie then brought her hand up to her temple and stared at him. His blue eyes glazed he dropped his weapons and sat on the floor. With a laugh Carrie dropped her hand and Arnie returned. 

"Woah." He breathed. "Your power is getting stronger!" 

"It Is?"

"Definitely." He insisted.

They cleared away the weapons then sat at the corner sofa.

"Are we any closer to catching Jerome?" Questioned Carrie.

"Unfortunately not." Arnie mumbled his blue eyes full of sadness.

"We'll find him." Carrie mused as she took his hand in hers. She was also wrecked from Felix's death, but no one was as badly affected as Arnie. He looked up at her his blue eyes searching her green ones. He brushed a stray hair from her face and cupped her face. He then brought it up to his and brushed her lips softly.

"Have you ever used your powers to control people's emotions?" He asked.

"No, why?" Carrie asked blushing.

"Because you don't have to control my emotions to make me love you." The words hung in the air then very suddenly Carrie urgently kissed Arnie her hand grabbing his golden locks.


She sat alone scared and guilty. What had she done? She didn't want to be bad, but what other choice did she have? 

"Hello?" Romeo mumbled. She jumped out of her skin, she didn't expect anyone to visit her. She remained silent. He came and sat outside of her container and she turned to look at her visitor. It was the beautiful one, the beautiful one with wings.

"Have you come to interrogate me?" She asked bitterly.

"No...actually I just wanted to know your name." Romeo stated simply his mass of curls hiding the embarrassment in his face a bit. A few minuets past, Romeo sighed and got up to leave the room.

"Daisy." The girl answered her light blue eyes staring at him reproachfully. 

"Daisy." Arnie repeated as he sat down again.  "So...you work for Jerome?"

"I guess you could say that." Daisy shrugged. She could sense the disgust Romeo must be feeling towards her. "I bet you find me revolting right?" 

"No...no not at all." Romeo coaxed. "I feel like you must of been in a really bad situation to have to turn to Jerome." Daisy looked at Romeo and smiled for the first time in what seemed like forever.


Mattie cleared away all the dresses. They had been a great success. As she was about to leave a boy with fairly long blond curtains entered the room. "Who are you?" Mattie questioned.

"Forest." The boy said. "Forest Middleton." 

"Oh you're Teddy's brother." 

"Yes. But whatever you think you are doing here or whatever you think you know about this place or us, you don't. You ruined this place. And you are not one of us." He spat the last words his blue eyes illuminated with rage.

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