To Live Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure

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Mattie barely fitted into the pod to get to the Empire. She was carrying at least 15 dresses that were as light as feathers but together they felt like rock. Yesterday Rose had asked to her to bring some dresses in; She thought it would brighten up the place and lift the girls spirits.

Douglas met her in the front hall with a warm smile. He was getting better. They brought the dresses into the Empires meeting room. They layed them all around the room, then Mattie excitedly left to get some girls. Douglas also scampered, dresses aren't really his thing.

Mattie returned with Harriet and Carrie. Both girls were squealing excitedly. Their training gear was gone within minuets. The next few hours went quickly with Mattie helping them choose the perfect dresses. They decided to match them with their eyes. Green for Carrie, gold for Harriet.

She bonded with the girls and found out they are the best of friends and have grown up together. Carrie got up abruptly.

"I'm late!" She Exclaimed.

"What for?" Questioned Mattie.

"She has special lessons with Arnie." Harriet giggled wiggling her eyebrows.

"They are not spe-" Carrie was cut short when Arnie entered the room.

"Pardon?" He smirked.

"Lets go!" Carrie said hurriedly ushering Arnie from the room.

Harriet leaned in to Mattie. 

"She likes him I can tell, my powers empathy you know." 

"I think anyone could tell that." Chuckled Mattie. "Don't you have another power? I think I remember you having two I just can't remember what it was."

"I can communicate with the dead." She stated as if it were the most mundane thing in the world. Mattie's eyes widened. Could she communicate with Felix? Harriet read Mattie's features. 

"Of Course." She insisted. No one had to say anything else. They both knew. Mattie gathered her skirts and got to her feet. She was going to get Douglas.


They both sat across from Harriet, Mattie had explained all to Douglas prior. 

"Take my hands." She ordered offering them to the two. They both obeyed and waited for something to happen. After about thirty seconds Harriet's head fell limp.

"Harriet?!" Douglas stated worriedly shaking her a little. Harriet's head cocked up.

"Dougie?" She asked. But the voice she used was not her own. It was Felix's. And her eyes were not her eyes they were Felix's strange but enchanting purple eyes.

Douglas looked at Mattie as if for reassurance. Mattie nodded back. 

"Felix is that you?" He asked timidly.

"Yes oh Dougie its great to hear your voice!" Felix exclaimed through Harriet's body. "And Mattie's here too. Right?"

"Yes, yes I'm here!" Mattie announced tears brimming her eyelids.

"You're both sad. Why are sad?!" Questioned Felix urgently. 

"We miss you." Mattie stated. The first tear had slid down her cheek.

"Felix.." Began Douglas. "It was my fault you died. I should of protected you!"

"No!" Mattie screeched shocking them both. "Its my fault, Jerome wants me."

"Its's none of you're faults." Insisted Felix like it was the most causual thing in the world. "I don't blame any of you. I love you both."

"We love you too." Mattie and Douglas both chorused.

"I need to go now." He said his voice breaking slightly. "But promise me, promise me you'll tell Mother I Iove her." Felix whimpered.

"We promise." Mattie whispered softly. Then Felix was gone.


When Mattie was making her way home that evening she could't get Felix off her mind. She couldn't get off her mind how he'd never grown up. Never get married. Never have children. Never live.


Chapter title: Peter Pan

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