Violent Passions

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"Why did you have to go and say that!?" Demanded Douglas. He was pacing from side to side. They had carried Mattie into one of their guest bedrooms. She had been out cold for a few minuets shy of an hour. She lay on the bed her small bob mushed over her face. Some people would think she looked a state. However Douglas thought she looked as perfect as ever.

"How was I supposed to know that you hadn't told her what she truly is? And If you'd stop staring at her for one second you could wake her up and explain this mess."

"No need." Whispered Douglas hushing the other gentleman with his hands. "She's waking." 

"Sleeping beauty rises from her slumber" Mocked the gentleman.

"Shush!" Hissed Douglas.

Mattie lifted her head. Looked around at her surrondings and gave a little squeal of annoyance.

"So I'm guessing this wasn't a dream then?" She muttered.


Douglas and the gentleman who Mattie now knew was called Arnie explained everything. They explained how they are mutants. Products of genetic mutation that have speacial 'abilities'. They talked about how this is their safe place where a large number of them stay and how they are like a family. They complained about how only a small handful of non-mutants knew that they even existed. And that they live down here to harness and control their powers so when they go out they won't accidentally expose what they are. They expressed how grateful they were for Rose (their mother) who started this mutant base and took in and helped mutants. They then went on to talk about how she, Mattie is one of them. They just needed to work out her ability. 

Mattie was stunned into silence she was perched on the end of the bed contemplating it all. It was too much she could feel tears brimming. But she was a lady her mother had taught her never to show emotion unless it was positive so she buried it deep. Arnie stood and said.

"I'm going to leave you two to talk." 

"Listen Mattie..." Began Douglas.

Mattie was tired of behaving like a lady. "No Douglas you listen. Granted you have told me alot. But you are yet to answer my questions about Jerome. And why he threatened me with a gun!" Mattie belowed.

"Okay, look I know you want answers and I can give them to you. But its late I'm sure your fiance is wondering where you are. If you'd like to come back tomorrow I can answer your questions and we can try to figure out your 'ability'. Douglas pleaded.

Mattie looked into his velvet eyes. She never realised that blue was her favourite colour and looking at it made her melt. "Okay." She said softly as she got up and flattened her dress.

"I'll walk you out." murmered Douglas.

Mattie looked at him. Really looked at him she realised he felt awkward and found it quite flattering. "One more thing. How do you know so much about me?" Inquired Mattie her manners had been thrown out the window. Douglas went a deep red. Cute, Mattie thought. 

"I um.." Mumbled Douglas but he was saved by Mattie quickly saying bye and rushing off.

When douglas returned Arnie was waiting, a big smile on his face. 

"What Arnie?" Complained Douglas. 

"Do you carry a torch for Miss Burnette? A soon to be married woman?"

Douglas was silent. 

"These violent passions have violent ends." Joked Arnie as he walked off.


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