2- the man with the phobia

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They say opposites attract. But then again, they also say like attracts like, so don't put much merit into what 'they' say  whoever 'they' are. If there was ever an example of a time in which opposites most certainly did not attract, it would be on the day Adam had to ride an airplane.

You see, supernaturals and technology simply don't mix. 

Put a 7-foot vampire in front of him and he could take it down, no problem. A flock of harpies? Don't stand a chance. A thought-to-be-dead Alpha and his entire thought-to-be-massacred pack? Give him 10 minutes and a KitKat bar, and it'll be over with minimal casualties to his own being.

Put him on a plane, though, and he became a whimpering pup all over again. Not that Adam ever was a whimpering pup, mind you.

He was not entirely convinced that the airplane could actually fly, anyway. The whole idea of airplanes was whack. Seriously, the thing was legit huge. And heavy. Aren't birds little and light? Every crashing scene he'd ever seen on TV played in his head as the flight attendant checked his ticket and allowed him to step onto the ramp that connected to the large white metal death machine. Sure he was supernatural and all, but he didn't think that even his body could survive a fall from thousands of feet in the air.

At least none of the guys were there to see him freak out. His hands shook so much as he put his carry-on in the overhead compartment that it looked like he was going to shift. Cody and Tek woulda got a kick outta that. The almighty Adam, the 'always-calm' beta, was afraid of flying and was having a not-so-calm panic attack. What a hoot.

He sat in his aisle seat at the end of the economy class (the pack wasn't exactly rich) and started the breathing exercises that he had prepared. Close your eyes. In, in, in, ouuuuuuut. In, in, in, ouuuuuuut. In, in, in, ou–.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the flight attendant began in a lilting voice, "The captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign." 

Adam hurriedly put his seatbelt on...or at least tried to...the stupid effing thing wouldn't go in! Probably because his hands were shaking too much. It was like the seat belt could sense his fear and refused to corporate.

"If you haven't already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt."

Dammit! He was trying! Shit, wait plane! Don't take off now! Adam wasn't even 30 yet; he didn't want to die!

"And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position."

Shit. Shit Shit. Stupid seatbelt. Stupid plane. Stupid Alpha Des sending him to this conference. Stupid agreeing with him that it would be good effin idea. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"If you are seated next to an emergency exit, please read carefully the special instructions card located by your seat."

 Thank the Spirits that he was in a regular seat; no need for any extra stress. Now if only the retarded piece of fabric and metal would cooperate!

"At this time, we request that all mobile phones, pagers, radios, and remote-controlled toys be turned off for the full duration of the flight, as these items might interfere with the navigational and communication equipment on this aircraft."

 Adam left his struggle with the seatbelt to search in his pocket for his phone. No way in hell would he be the reason that this mental monster crashed and burned. He fumbled with the off button for a bit then ended up just removing the entire battery. Yes, his phone was such an old model that he could do that. Remember what we said about technology and the supernatural not mixing?

"If you have any questions about our flight today, please don't hesitate to ask one of our flight attendants. Thank you."

Just as he finally figured out how to put together the goddamn seatbelt – exhaling a large sigh as he did – a flight attendant came up to him and asked him something. He was a bit too freaked out to catch it though.

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