"I gotta go, Dr Webber is calling," Renee said as she quickly put her shoes on before taking off.

"Still not talking to each other?" Addison asked Derek and Mark.

"No, she's not talking to me," Mark said as he discarded his scrubs before wearing another pair.

"He's afraid," Derek said.

"Afraid of what?" 

"Telling Ren he loves her," Derek said as Mark glared at him.

"You are shit at keeping secrets and no I am not in love with her," Mark snapped angrily.

"So, why are you so angry?" Addison asked just as their pagers went off.

"Saved by the bell," 

"He's been complaining of stomach pain, vomiting, loss of appetite and has experienced weight loss over the last two years," 

Richard Webber had asked her to assist him for their latest case in which a man had come after experiencing pain in his stomach for the last two years.

"Mr Charles, how the pain level on the scale of 1 to 10?" Richard asked the man.

"It's-it's a 9,"

"That's bad," Renee whispered.

"You think!!" The man snapped at her as Richard turned to her.

"Dr Foster, what is the procedure to find the cause of his pain?"

"Patients history with travel and his food habits,"

"Go ahead," Richard said.

"Mr Charles? Have you travelled anywhere in the past two years?" Renee asked him.

"China, I worked there two years ago," He groaned.

"Okay, um, do you remember if you had raw meat mainly beef or pork there?" She asked.

"Yeah, my coworkers said it was a delicacy," 

"Yeah, raw meats give you tapeworms," Renee commented as she wrote down notes.

"Dr Foster, do you perform any procedures?" Richard asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Dr Webber, can I talk to you?" Renee gestured to the hallway.

"Is anything a problem?" Richard asked.

"Is this even surgical?" 

"Not likely,"

"I don't think I can do this, there is a big trauma in the ER right now,"

"You think you are above realising this man from his pain?" Richard asked.

"Yes, I am and you know I am. I will run the tests but I am not checking his stool samples," 

"Dr Foster, I am your resident, you can't say no to me," Renee narrowed her eyes.


"Dr Foster, run the tests, I'll see about the stool samples,"

"I knew I was your favourite,"

"Don't push it,"

Addison had just finished her shift wandered through the hospital to find either Renee or Derek, both of them seemed to have disappeared for the last few hours, she had just turned around the corner into an empty passageway to see Mark and some blonde who she recognized as their fellow intern pressed together. She cleared her throat and watched as they broke apart from each other, the girl smirked as she walked away from them and Mark just ran his hand through his hair.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, have you seen Renee or Derek?" She asked her hands folded on her chest.

"Derek was supposed to be in surgery about two hours ago, maybe it went longer," 

"And what about Renee?" 

"I don't know," Mark looked down as Addison narrowed her eyes at him before shaking her head and walking away from him.

"I have an idea where she might be," Addison said as Mark just followed her like a puppy.

They walked through the Paediatric department and towards the newborn baby section where they found Renee and Derek leaning against the glass window looking at the babies as they slept.

"I don't want to be involved in this," Mark said as he shook his head.

"You need to grow up," Addison snapped at him.

"I can't-I don't-I don't know if I should tell her," Mark said as he focused on Renee.  

"Take baby steps, Mark, baby steps, start by apologising," she said.

"How did you tell Derek you loved him?" 

"I didn't have to he just knew how I felt,"

"We can't keep doing this," 

Derek and Renee who were watching the babies said at the same time, they had been coming there a lot in the past few days, finding peace as they watched the babies sleep.

"Just a minute more," Renee sighed.

"You should try and talk to Mark," Derek said as he watched her.

"No, he wants to whore around, he can whore around," 

"He's not been in a stable relationship ever, Ren, you know that," 

"I don't care, if he doesn't want to be in a mature relationship, he shouldn't be in one,"


"No, I am not telling him he should marry me or we should move in together, hell I don't know if I even love him yet. I just need some security from him,"

"Okay," Derek said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"I see the way the girls look at him as if he is a piece of meat," 

"Did he look back?" Derek asked.

"No, he didn't," 

"I have known him for almost all my life and I have never seen Mark like that, like how he was with you,"

One {Mark Sloan}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora