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I convinced Mattia to tell the boys everything what he told me and so did he.

We were at school in French lesson.

We had a plan to delete that video from Lena's phone.

The plan was that Mattia and Lena go at the bathroom and in the meantime me and the boys delete that video.

I winked at Mattia and he got up, asked to go to the bathroom and Lena went after him. Bluh, disgusting.

After Lena left Kairi took her phone off her jacket that she left behind and gave me the phone.

Mattia said that the code was "6731".

It worked!

I went through her gallery and deleted that video.

I deleted it from the recently deleted too so she couldn't get that video again.

After deleting it I gave the phone at Kairi and he put the phone back in her jacket.

Mattia and Lena came back.

I winked at Mattia and he understood that the plan worked so he sat down next to me.

«What are you doing babe?» asked Lena

«Sitting with my girl» he said and gave a kiss in front of everyone

«I see..» she said and took her phone and started to look for the video.

She started to panic because she couldn't find the video and turned around.

«You played me?!» she said

«Shut up now Lena. You already talked enough» I said and she went out of the classroom.

«Finally» Mattia said and I smiled

«Finally» I said and hugged him.


It was finally the end of the day. I couldn't wait to go home.

I was waiting Mattia outside the school but he wasn't coming.

I texted him but no answer.

«Hi princess» he said behind me

«Fuck Mattia! You scared me!» I yelled

«I've missed you so much» he said and hugged me

«I've missed you too» I said

He gave me a kiss

«I'll always love you» he said

«For ever?» I asked

«For ever.» he said


~ i wanted to finish the story because it was getting kinda boring so i thought, let's start a new story? ~

Ex ~ Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now