birthday party

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It's my birthday! I'm finally 17.

I was preparing my house for the party with the boys and Katie.

Unfortunately Mattia is coming too. I asked the boys if they could tell him not to come but they said he was coming either way.

I hate him, I don't know if I still love him after what happend yesterday at school. He was about to hit me.. the boy I thought he loved me.

«Al, we have to get ready! The party starts in 2 hours» yelled Katie from the kitchen.

«But the living room? We still have to decorate the living room» I said worried

«Go get ready, we'll finish here» said Roshaun and the boys nodded.

«I love y'all» I yelled and hugged them.

Me and Katie runned in my bedroom.

I got in the bathroom and took a shower and shaved my legs. After I finished, Katie got in.

«I don't know what to put on!» I said after she came in my bedroom.

«Wait let me see what you have» said Katie and started looking for a dress.

«Oh my god, this would be perfect!» she said showing me the dress.

I looked at it and I acutally liked it. I forgot I had this dress.

«That's the dress I had on when I caught Mattia cheating..» I said still looking at the dress.

«So? Who gives a shit about Mattia? You would look gorgeous on it sis!» she said hyped up.

«Let me try it» I said.

I put the dress on and saw myself on my mirror.

Katie came behind me and hugged me.

«You look perfect» she said.

I smiled.

Memories came up.. me looking for Mattia, Mattia on the girl without clothes..

Fuck. Fuck him.

Outfit: ⬇️

Katie's outfit :⬇️

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Katie's outfit :⬇️

I put some makeup on and so did Katie

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I put some makeup on and so did Katie.

I curled my hair and put my heels on.

«It took us almost 2 hours» said Katie.

«But that was worth it» I said looking at her and then me.

We went downstairs and saw the boys laying on the couch. They already got ready but how tho? How so fast?

«Boys?» I asked and they stood up.

«Girls, you both are stunning» said Kairi.

«I agree..» said Alejandro kissing Katie

They're so cute together, I wish I had a relationship like theirs.

«Bestie you are gorgeous!» yelled Roshaun.

«Thank you all guys but I got a question..» I said

«How did you all get ready so fast?» I asked and Katie looked at them confused.

«We're boys» said Alvaro winking at me.

We all laughed until we hear the doorbell.

I opened and saw all the people they invited. Damn, that was a lot.

I was closing the door after they all came in but someone stopped me.

I looked at the door and saw Mattia with Lena.

«What is she doing here?» I asked annoyed

«She has the right to be here, I invited her» said Mattia.

I rolled my eyes and let them in.

I went to Katie

«Lena is here too» I said annoyed

«That bitch is here?» she said

«Yeah» I said still annoyed

«Happy birthday Al» I heard someone saying behind my back.

I turned around and saw Jora.

«Jora, girl! How have you been?» I asked and hugged her.

«I'm fine, I heard what Mattia did.. I don't understand what's wrong with him. I hope you're fine tho» she said.

«Don't worry, I'm fine. We don't need this man whore» I said and she laughed.

Me, Katie and Jora went to take a drink together.

«Katie, do you want to dance with me?» asked Alejandro. Katie nodded and went dancing with him.

I sat on the couch alone.

Jora went dancing with a boy named "Rowan" and Katie was with Alejandro.

«Why did you put this dress on?» asked someone behind me.

I turned around and of course it was Mattia.


~smut next chapter.. have mercy on me please. i feel uncomfortable writing that 😅~

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