🎴BENJEY🎴 Stories No.2: The Virus (b)

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Abby stood in the shower, letting the boiling water soothe her skin. She pondered what she and her friends could do for the last day of summer. Their last day of summer together. A year from then, they might all have started college. Jorge would probably be at Harvard or MIT and Benji would be taking a year off from school to finally be himself and feel free from the terrible grasp of learning. Abby might've gone to NYC, making YouTube videos and TikToks as a side hobby. She would've probably forgotten about her newly found talents in special effects makeup and taken up a new sport. Noen...

Abby didn't know where Noen would be. She thought about him being in college with her but that didn't seem right. She thought about him being a famous YouTuber or something of the sort but that didn't feel right either. The only thing she could think of that felt right for him was if he was, well..


Abby chuckled at this dark thought. And then she stopped laughing as she really focused on what she thought. She didn't really mean that. She meant that Noen's future would be unpredictable, unlike her and her other friends. That's all. Her conscious still kept trying to grab at her mind and make her feel guilty for her sinful thought. But she tried to hush it away, telling herself to stop feeling guilty for  all the little things she said and did.

Noen had gone to the bathroom and when he got back to his room, there was a message left for him.

Abbs❤️: ok, i just got out of the shower!

Noen unlocked his phone as he dropped flat onto his bed. He could hear his dad snoring on the living room couch, like he had been for the past six years.

Abbs❤️: i was thinking about what we should do for our last day of summer
Abbs❤️: like, me and you and benji and jorge

Abby stood in front of the foggy mirror, towel rapped around her chest and waist, awaiting a response. A few minutes later, she got one.

noenEW🏦: https://goo-gle_map-s/shutter_forest.com

Abby looked at her screen and read the link. Shutter Forest. She rolled her eyes, realizing that this was the forest Noen would tell her about all the time. She answered this link with a simple

Abbs❤️: ?

A few moments later, Noen replied.

noenEW🏦: camping?

Abby looked suspiciously at her screen. She knew he didn't just want to go camping. She knew that he wanted to go search for the creature he claimed was real, The Slender Man.

Abbs❤️: truthfully, that's not what you rlly want to do, right??

Noen laid on his bed, thinking about the right word-phrasing to make it seem like he really just wanted to go camping. Eventually, he realized a way to throw his girlfriend off his scent.

noenEW🏦: oh no! you got me!
noenEW🏦: but really, I just wanna go camping with my friends!

Abby hesitated to believe him, but gave in anyways.

Abbs❤️: i guess it is the closest place to camp out
Abbs❤️: ill ask everybody

Noen sat up on his bed, grinning widely. A journal, his journal, rested next to him, the pages filled with scrawls and scribbles of dark shadows, swirling and protruding from the paper in a twisted fashion. Sacred Darkly texts said and whispered in those pages, telling secrets to the keeper of the moment. Secrets that told Noen of the need to bring the Operator three of his most precious things.

Jorge got a ding on his phone. He picked it up and read the text sent to the chat.

Abbs❤️: everybody WAKE UP!!! todays our last day of summer together and I wanna do something special!!! I was thinking maybe we could all go camping for the night and go to school tomorrow all together! but first, y'all need to GET UP OFF UR ASSES AND WAKE THE EFF UPPPP!!!!!!!!

Jorge's eyes went wide. That was unnecessarily aggressive but ok... he thought.

whore-ge😘☺️❤️🖕: kk gurl! I'll try to wake up Benji because c'mon, we all know he's the only one who is still asleep xD

Abbs❤️: lol i don't think you'll be able to wake him but go ahead and try

Benji's phone dinged with all these messages, waking his mother up and making her go into his room to shut off the notifications on his phone. Benji slept deeply, and didn't wake from those messages. Around an hour and a half later, he woke up to the smell of sizzling bacon. Ignoring his phone, he walked out of his bedroom towards the bathroom.  He stopped in his tracks after hearing laughter coming from the living room. Who could be here? Benji thought. He turned towards the direction of the company and walked cautiously down the hallway, listening to the hushed voices. They probably thought he was still asleep.

He walked out into the room and saw his friends sitting there at the dining room table. His mom was at the stove, watching the bacon. They all turned their heads in his direction and he froze in his tracks. He stood there, in his underwear, only his underwear. Jorge looked at him and, blushing immediately, covered his face and turned away. Abby laughed and Noen's eyes went wide. Benji noticed they were all looking down at his legs. He looked down and immediately ran into the bathroom. His private part was fully erect, as it usually is in the morning. Oh god... Benji thought.

Later that night...

"Your presence welcomes my fear." Noen said.

Branches sprouted from the pale figure ahead. They shifted and intertwined in a freakish manner.

"Do you, Operator of death, take me into your arms?"

The arms spread out, far, to each of Noen's sides, walls stronger than iron surrounding him. Leaves shuffled and trees swung.

"Your eyes shall be mine, for you taketh me." Noen whispered, prayer-like. The branches creaked and screeches sounded. Echoes of all the past liars that sought the tree out. Bark, creaking and moaning. Winds blew through the forest.

His forest.

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