🎴BENJEY🎴 Stories No.2: The Virus (a)

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The sun shone bright on the final day of summer. The clouds were thin and looked as wool in the warm sky. This would be the last summer together for many students at ShutterBrooke High. Many students got together at cheap restaurants, threw parties laced with alcohol, or just went to the movies. But the ones in this story, they decided against those options.

Benjamin Krol got up around eleven-thirty, walking to the kitchen with the smell of fresh bacon. His mom had been making him breakfast everyday that summer, and it never got old for him. During the summer, Benji started to get a passion for art, making many paintings and hanging them up on his wall. His search history was littered with art websites ranging from human anatomy studies to just fantasy illustrations. His parents supported him and bought him many supplies, even letting him use the garage to paint.

Jorge Garay didn't sleep that night. He was too busy writing his early college applications that he had been anxious about all summer. At the end of the school year, Benji has asked out Jorge. They went on a date, and then went on another, and another. They began dating and spent a lot of time together. Jorge didn't have much to do all summer except study. Jorge was an educational child, you might say. He loved exploring the edges of science and the different mathematical formulas for various different topics. He implored his friends to do the same, but they just brushed him off. He didn't feel bad though. He knew they were more of the party type.

Abby Roberts woke up early in the morning, walking out onto her balcony, quiet so as not to wake her parents and her sister, to watch the sunset. The cool air quickly turned warm as the dark sky became light. That summer, she had been obsessed with doing makeup art. The things that most fascinated her were the people who made horror props and made fake flesh wounds that gushed blood. She knew it was strange. But she thought it was interesting. Her parents didn't know, for they would've definitely disapproved, but that didn't stop her.

Noen Eubanks awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of his parents arguing. They had been like that all summer and it was driving him insane. So much so that he took to internet stories to keep his mind busy. Abby and him had been dating but he had been growing distant from her. Darker. While exploring stories on the internet, he came across a tale. A tale titled: The Pale Man. After reading it, he became obsessed with this creature. A creature that the more you thought of and acknowledged in your life would stalk you and take control over your mind. He would tell his girlfriend, Abby, about these stories and she didn't think much of them. She just thought that Noen was interested in a topic and she accepted that.

Abby walked back into her bedroom, sliding the doors to her balcony closed and grabbed her phone. The time was seven-forty-five and the sun had risen. The last day of summer, she thought, what should I do?

She walked to the bathroom and turned on the lights, shutting the door behind her. As she sat on the toilet and let the morning ritual leave her body, she pondered on her question: What should she do for the last day of summer?

Noen laid in his bed for a couple hours after his parents stopped fighting. At eight, he decided it was time to get up. He sat up in his bed and grabbed his phone on the nightstand beside his bed. After unlocking the screen, he opened the Messages app. Clicking on the profile titled Abbs❤️, he started typing.

noenEW🏦: gm Abby. it's a nice day out.

He stared at his phone, awaiting a response when a twig snapped outside his window. His head turned quickly to the direction of the sound, but he brushed it off. But he couldn't shake the feeling of something dark outside. Something he had been looking for indirectly.

Abbs❤️: sry i can't txt cuz im in the shower!! tty in like 5 mins uwu

The vibration from the text took Noen by surprise. He jumped and looked at his phone. He sighed and shook his head.

noenEW🏦: ok lol ttyl

He put down his phone and headed to the bathroom, the window staring at him as he walked, watching his every move.

Jorge rubbed his eyes as he lowered his laptop screen and turned it off. The sun flew into his eyes. "..hmnnnnn" he groaned, tired and throat dry. He didn't really care much for celebrations and parties. He wanted to get in a good college and be successful in life. That's something he pushed his boyfriend to do, but also something Benji usually rejected. He decided to text Benji, knowing that he wasn't awake, but still did it anyways.

whore-ge😘😊❤️🖕: buenos dias my luv💕

He sat in his bed waiting for a response he knew wasn't coming. After a minute, he gave up and went to the bathroom, leaving his phone on his bed.

Meanwhile, Benji laid in his bed, asleep.

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