✨BENJEY✨Stories No.1: Leaked (e)

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JORGE'S POV (a couple minutes later)

I walk out of the bathroom, dry, to see Benji starting on breakfast. He gets dry faster than me (I like to drip dry). Benji is pouring milk into a bowl filled with cereal. I hug him and lean my head against his back. Benji pushes the bowl of Cheerios onto the table, pours some milk into another bowl, and pushes that one onto the table as well. "Benhameen, is that what you eat for breakfast everyday?" I ask, still wrapped around his chest.
"Next question." He replies, giggling. "Benji, you know that's not very healthy." I say as I let go of him and walk to the fridge. "Yeah, but this is fast." He says. "But you shouldn't eat it every day." I say, grabbing some eggs out of the fridge. Benji sits down at the table and starts eating his cereal. I wonder if he's thinking about what I asked him. Oh well, I'll let him be. I turn on the stove and rub some butter on the pan and crack open two eggs. I let them sit for a while and I notice that Benji has finished his cereal and is looking at his phone. Benji's face goes from normal to OMG! in a second. I ask him what happened and replies with "Tony just got leaked!"

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