Chapter 10. The first day!! :))

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Hey guys!! Soo sorry for not updating in a while... But i promise i will be updating the chapters frequently... 

I also wanna thank all my readers... So happy i have 806 reads as its my first fanfic... It really is a big achievement for me!! 

Also I'm thinking for putting my story in watty awards.. So please guys vote for my story... I really need your votes :))

Also please fan my group account @FAB_FIVEAMAZNBABES with my cousins and we have posted a new fanfic its called "cocktail- one direction fanfic" please read it vote/fan and comment on it!!

Now back to my story... So here's chapter 10!! 


Enjoy <3




 Rhea POV:

       It was almost lunch time when Amy helped us clean up and left for her place. We were so tired that we decided to stick to cereal for lunch. Richa went to take a nap and Neha and I decided to sort out the things needed for tomorrow. Oh yeah I forgot, Monday was our first day at university. Sorting our papers calling the officials up, we decided to take a break. I spoke up "so you and Harry? Got a bit serious last night." She just looked away and nodded. I said "tell me Neha. You never hide anything from me? Are you falling for him?" She blushed and spoke out "well I guess I am. He's been a gentleman with me. I don't think he'll do anything to damage that." As I was about to speak, my phone buzzed. It was a text, from Zayn. It read

'Was an amazing night yesterday. Can't wait to meet you again. XOXO- Zayn'

I smiled and replied

'Well it was good to meet you too. Already want to plan to meet up. XX- Rhea'

It was good to get his text. All I was thinking about was him. I was to be fair worried that he'll forget about me. After all I'm just another fan. But a fan that has spent almost half a day and night, with him. I really felt good about him, felt that there could be some connection between us. Neha tapped me out of my thought process. She said " you were gonna tell something? You just got lost there. Who's text was it anyways?" I replied "it was nothing, just Zayn telling how much fun he had yesterday. I replied to him." She gave cheeky smile and said "so someone likes you. That's good, he's a good guy. Don't do anything stupid and ruin it. Do you like him?" I blushed, no one ever asked me that before, "to be exact, I am attracted to him. He's a really good guy. Not so much serious though." She nodded and went inside to take a nap. I decided to watch TV and crash on the couch. I got another text, it was Zayn.

'So let's decide and do something. Anyways Niall's bugging me by saying lets meet them again. Can't wait.<3'

I just replied with a simple

'sure. Whenever you're free'.

I looked towards the TV screen and reruns of F.r.i.e.n.d.s was going on, so I decided to watch it. Within matter of minutes I went off to sleep.

(A/N: a few days fast forward.)


Nehas POV:

       It was Monday morning, almost 2 weeks since we had moved in and met Harry and the boys. I was regularly in contact with Amy, who was busy in her new schedule and upcoming projects. Richa had settled into her new high school, Rhea had just started her university classes. It was my first day today as a college student. I was very nervous. I got out of my bed, went into the bathroom for quick shower and put on the clothes I had laid out last night. I slowly slipped into my cream colored trousers, floral printing dark blue shirt and tucked it in. I had a slim belt to accompany it. I filled my handbag with all the things needed and wore a dark blue pump shoes to match it with. I went down to the living room to see Richa had already left for school and Rhea was reading a newspaper. I asked her," good morning, when do you have your lectures today?" She kept the paper down and said, "today it's in the afternoon, so you go ahead I'll come on later."

I looked at the watch and it was already 8:30 am, so I decided to buy coffee and something to eat from Starbucks and rush for the lectures, as I didn't wanna be late on the first day. Suddenly I got a text, which surprised me. It was from Harry

'Good luck on your first day love. Make me proud ;) xoxo- Harry'

How did he know it was my first day? I never told him that, I decided to text him back.

'Thank you! But I don't understand is who told you? I don't recall mentioning anything to you.' He replied 'we have such a strong connection that you didn't need to tell me. Haha, actually Zayn told me. It seems he and Rhea are in contact. Anyways good luck.' I chuckled. That girl. She didn't tell me she was chatting with him. Oh we'll good for them. Coz I had no time to waste on her today. I went out and called for a taxi. It was almost 9 when we pulled into the campus. It was good that we lived just minutes away from the campus. So I slowly entered into the huge building, and went looking for the office.

      In the office I enquired about all the classes and the curriculum and they gave me directions towards my class. First lecture was architectural drawing, I was looking forward for this since a long time. I entered into the class and saw it was a huge hall with amphitheater kind of seating. I decided to sit in the middle rows, not too studious or too freeby. As I sat and settled down on my seat, a guy came and tapped my shoulder, and asked "is this seat taken? The one beside you?" I shook my head and said "no it's free you can take it." He smiled and put his laptop down on to the bench. He was wearing a blue buttoned down shirt, a pair of black jeans and trainers. He had dark brown hair, not too messy only a little bit unruly. He then looked at me and said "hey I'm Noah O'Connor. And you are?" I replied back to him," hey I'm Neha Nair! Nice to meet you." And this time I clearly saw his face. He had deep blue eyes, perfect jaw line and a dimple on his right cheek. He was in all 'good looking'. He had the looks of a boy the next door in the movies. I snapped back out of my thought process by Noah's question," so you seem new to London. I guess your not from here?" He looked at me with doubt. "Yeah! I'm from India. Just moved in a couple of weeks ago. Got admission into the uni, so took the leap." I replied. "I can also say that you don't seem from here. Your accent is familiar, but not British. Am I right?" I asked. He laughed and replied "Well you got me. Actually just moved in here from Dublin. Same story as yours." As we went on chatting, the professor entered the class and introduced himself. We kept quite and paid attention towards him.




Sorry the chapter is not so good..

and comment what you guys think about Noah

But i promise next chapters will be awesome!! 

Pleaseeee my lovely readers vote for my chapters :))

Please vote and comment and let me know whether you all want a shoutout or dedication! :D

Love you my lovely readers :))

-- Neha <3

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