Chapter 6: The car ride

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Hey Everyone :)

Here's chapter 6th

Hope you enjoy reading it!!

Guys remember to please fan and vote for me!!

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Enjoy <3




Neha's POV:

              For a long time there was silence. I saw him looking at me a couple of times. All I wanted to do is break the ice, it was getting awkward. I blurted the first thing that came into my mind, "so heard you got a new tattoo? What does it look like?" A new tattoo, really? All that I got to break the ice was 'new tattoo'? He smiled and replied "well yes, I did. But it's not really in a place I can show you in public. I thought people would have already circulated some pics about that." I laughed about how lightly he took my foolishness. But good lord that was an ice breaker, from that on we chatted like we were two people who haven't seen each other in a long time. He asked about my coursework, I asked him more about his life,the working in bakery and all that. It was 20 mins to reach my place, but it felt like a minute. I was enjoying his company. He stopped the car under my building. He got out of the car and as I was about to open the door of the car he beat me to it and opened the door for me and i got out. We stood for a while looking at each other. We were standing near his car, almost about to say goodnight. He then whispered "I had a great time today. Some things were making my head spin,but now I'm all calmed down. I needed this day to understand myself and to realize it." I smiled and told "I had a really good time too. Never thought I could open up with people too easily. You guys made me feel comfortable and got me out of my homesickness." Harry slid a little bit towards me, it got me confused. I stood there looking at him, I could feel his body heat closer to mine. It felt funny, different. He then leaned in towards me, I then realized 'he was about to kiss me'. I quickly move a little away from him, giving him a clue about the situation. He saw this and awkwardly retreated back. I said "it's not that I don't want to kiss you, it's just that it doesn't feel right." He nodded and said "I know, it's just my stupidity. I think I went a little too far. Just forget this happened and let's go back as it was first." I smiled and replied "that sounds good. And now as a friend I want to call you upstairs for a night cap. You can even meet my cousins. Warning they are good but can go a little crazy with the fangirling." He laughed and said "coffee sound nice. Anyways it's pretty cold outside, a little warming up is good."

             He parked the car and we got into the building. When we entered the flat, Rhea came out screaming, not realizing somebody is there with me,"Neha I'm gonna kill you. It's been what since morning you left us. You found new friends and didn't even think about informing us? Where the hell were you?" And then she saw Harry standing beside me. She started to stutter around and couldn't find words. In literal sense she was Star struck! She then called out for Richa, who came out in her pajamas rather sleepy. She then screamed, opposite of Rhea's reaction "OMG! Neha I think I'm hallucinating. I think I can see Harry Styles of One Direction in our living room. Not possible, I guess I'm dreaming. Pinch me someone just pinch me." Harry laughed and hugged her "a hug is better than a pinch, love. You're not hallucinating, I'm actually here." Richa was blushing and was as red as a tomato and Rhea was still quite the whole time. She then spoke out "so you were with them the whole time? This is just unbelievable. 1/5 is standing in this room and I'm in my night clothes, this is a funny dream come true." I whispered to Harry "I told you so. They can go crazy sometimes. But they are normal during the other." I spoke to the two star strucked  girls who were trying to touch Harry as if he was turtle, "guys why don't you get into something better than what your wearing till then I'll make Harry some coffee." They ran to get changed and I entered into the kitchen, there was already a pot brewing in the maker. Harry entered into the kitchen and said "it's a pretty nice house you got here. Loved your place." I replied "thank you. Mum and dad had already bought this flat a few years ago. We just moved back into it. Hey do you want sugar in your coffee?" He showed 2 fingers and nodded. I gave him a cup and took one in my hand. We then entered the verandah and started talking. He said "we should do this again. You know like go on dinner. Just you and me or even the boys. Your choice." I understood that he's trying to ask me out but I turned a deaf ear. "Yeah we should do this. Like I said why dont you guys come over for dinner here. Ill make some authentic Indian food and I can teach Louis his Indian dance moves. Plan it out and inform me." He nodded. At that time Rhea and Richa came out, all dressed up and made up. They talked to Harry for a while and then asked about the others and all. Harry then decided to leave when he got a call from Liam asking where he was, because Louis was freaking out. The girls bid him goodbyes. I went out of the door to see him off. He spoke out "I hope to meet you soon, Neha. I'll work out on the plan to come for dinner. Good night, take care." I told him "yeah I hope it happens soon. Anyways good night and sweet dreams." When he entered the lift, I went and gave a kiss on his cheeks. I could see a tint of red around his cheeks. Was he blushing? He laughed cheekily and said "was this to compensate for the earlier one?" I said "I guess this is. And this is all you get" I joked. He entered and waved until the two doors of the lift closed....


Harry's POV:

         As the doors of the lift closed, I could see her waving towards me. I felt something different this time, I didn't feel like leaving her. What was happening to me? I left to get the car and started driving back down I called Louis up "umm yeah I left from her place. I on my way back home." He said "good. The rest of the guys and Amy left. Come back fast." I went on thinking about tonight. I just don't know why, I acted so stupid out there. I am so normal around other girls, but I never acted this way. And the attempt to kiss, well that I have to declare as an epic fail. She moved away from me. I'm never so tense around people, but this girl make me feel nervous. Her presence makes me happier. Was I falling for this girl? Nah! Maybe not. Anyways if I was falling, I don't really think she is reciprocating it back to me. She didn't kiss me. Girls jump turnstiles to kiss me or the boys, but she moved away. When she came close to me to kiss my cheeks, her body heat was the first thing I felt, then her sweet smell from the perfume she was wearing. I can still remember everything clearly and vivid. Her long black hair, her tan skin, her smile and her laugh. I could not forget anything.

            I'm not understanding my feelings. She did not even flinch at my question when I asked her out in rouse. She turned a deaf ear. She's different, not like the girls I have been with. Am I being rational at my emotions? All these questions came cropping up, I pulled into our drive way to see Louis greet me. I went in and hung my keys. Louis joked around "so went to see the girls place ha? How was it? Is my dear Harry going to be stuck as a coffee mate or what?" I answered "yeah I probably am gonna stay that way. Did things that are stupid, that's it." Louis became serious for a moment and spoke out "Do you think you've fallen for her hazza? Tell me now."







Hey Guys so how is 6th chapter??

Hope you liked it!!



Wanna know what happens in the next chapter??

For that you have to wait for my next upload :)

Keep reading guys!!

Love you all so much!!

-- Neha <3

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