Chapter 3.The friend and The photoshoot

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Hey guys here ya go the 3rd chapter!!

Hope you enjoy reading it!!

Another thing pls guys if you like it please vote for me and also comment and fan me!! 

Love you so much guys!!

Enjoy!!! <3



Neha's POV

                After the long sleep, I woke up and looked at the clock. It was only 8 am, so I decided to take a shower. I walk towards my walk in cupboard and search for my clothes. "Hmmph! The old cotton clothes won't do. Gotta buy some warmer clothes" I whispered. Anyways I gathered some clothes and got into the bathroom. Slowly peeled my jammies and hopped into the shower. A hot water bath in the morning always calms me down. I get out of the bath, put the clothes on. A dark blue skinny jeans, a white floral loose top and a casual black blazer. To go with it I put on ugs boots. I apply a small amount of make up on my face. A little mascara and eyeliner and my favourite strawberry lip gloss and I'm done. Only this because I believe natural self than made up beauty. I go to the living room and find Richa dressed in her uniform. She is 16 and it was her first day in high school here. She spoke" it's my first day and I hope it's good. I gotta feeling I'm gonna get a lot of friends. I hope they are directioners too." She then left for school. Rhea was sitting in the dining room, waiting for me to get the breakfast ready." Get choppin sis, I don't have time to waste on food. Make waffles if you can". I rolled my eyes at her but she didn't seem to notice. She was busy checking her twitter mentions. Thankfully our kitchen was stored up by the people we had appointed for cleaning. I was in a mood for making waffles so I got the waffle maker out, took the ready mix and prepared it according to the instructions.

                I got the waffles to the table and we started eating. I poured some orange juice and looked into my phone. I was searching for a long lost number. "Gotta call some people, tell them we are in town." I told Rhea. "Mmm!" She agreed, with her mouth full of food. I started to tap on my phone while I was searching for a particular no. It was my friend Amy's. Amy Reid was my mum's best friends daughter, her mum came over to London from Mumbai and married a Brit guy from here. Amy herself is born in London. We communicated many time via mails and Facebook, she has even visited us a few times. The last time I talked to her she was doing her undergrads for Photography and was searching for an internship. I was surprised when I found her no. I immediately gave a call. She picked the call up "Hello! Who is this?" She spoke in a british accent. I replied " Hey Amy this is Neha. I hope you remember me? It's been a long time!" She screamed back " OMG! Neha it's you. It's been a long time since we talked. How are you? And this isn't an Indian number I'm guessing. Where are you and how you've been? We ought to meet girl." I laughed at her enthusiasm and replied " I'm glad I got such a reaction. Yeah we should catch up sometime and you guessed it right, I'm actually in London now. Just moved in here. Let's meet up today if you are free?" She said "yeah of course we can meet today. But I have a little work in the afternoon. Why don't you come over where I work, I can finish up my work and we can grab a cup of coffee? It will be great". "Awesome! Then ill meet you at 11 then? Text me the address". "Sure thing! Ill text it to you. Anyways I've gotta scram now. But see ya by 11, bye" she told and kept the phone down. Almost at the same minute I got a text from her, the address. It was for a certain TV magazine studio.

                     I kept my phone down and went to tidy my room up. I calculated my time and decided to leave by 10 so that if I'm early I could go do some shopping before and also buy Amy something. I came to the living room to see a very sleepy Rhea watching TV. I asked " so I'm going to meet my friend. Do you wanna join us?" She replied like a zombie" don't you see I'm all tired. I'm gonna sit at home and cure my jet lag. You guys have fun". At correct sharp 10 am I left home. And took a cab to the address.


 Harry's POV:

        I woke up with a big headache and a bad hangover. Yesterday the lads found out I was very low and brought some light beer. I guess Liam's the only one who stuck to coke. Louis made me drink more than what I could. I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom to take an aspirin. Brushed my teeth and had a shower to get the hangover down. A little hot water on the head could do wonders sometimes. I get out and get dressed. When I come out I see Louis sleeping on the couch. I went to the kitchen to put some tea on the stove. There for my surprise, I saw Niall already there making a pot load of coffee. He saw me and gave a smile and said "Hey ya Harry! Top of the morning to you." I was perplexed as in how was he here. I asked him" didn't you go back home yesterday? I thought we did?" At this he looked at me and laughed and said "well everybody went home, I just stayed back. Just was lazy to go back home. Anyways I thought you guys may need some help in the morning, so I got up went to the grocery shop, bought some pancake mix, some supplies and the much needed chocolates and sweets. Came back made breakfast and was putting the coffee for brewing when you woke up". I was surprised as in how did Niall do all this. He was the most lethargic one. I guess he was just trying to help. I spoke back" thank you for all that. Pour me a cup of coffee will ya?" He took a cup and gave me some of the coffee. As I was drinking it I heard Louis come, he said "Nialler, pour me some too.i think I over slept." He laughed and poured him a cup. He spoke out then " oh hey guys guess what? Liam just called me. He said the management wants us to do a photo shoot today for a magazine. It's in the city. We got to reach there by 10:30 am max" said as he picked up a piece of pancake. I looked at the clock, SHOOT! It was already 8. We better get ready and going. My hair hadn't dried yet and Louis was half asleep. For some suspicious reasons Niall was ready and fully active. We rushed into our rooms and got changed into our clothes. The hair and all can be fixed there itself I guess.

                   By 9:30 sharp we were ready and waiting for Zayn and Liam to come over. As soon as they arrived, we left for the studio. We got into our Range Rovers and got driving. I was on the wheel, with Louis and Zayn with me. In my mind I went" God darn it! It's our vacations, we need rest from our lifestyle and here we are on a photo shoot. It better be quick other wise I'm gonna give a complain against the management." We got traffic in between, when a small girl from the car beside us asked us for our autograph, we rolled our windows and gave it to her. She was so happy.

                       We slowly pulled up into the basement of the studio office building." I hope this is productive" I whisper to myself, with a grumpy feeling.....




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