You and Phasma go way back. She was the only person to know of your identity other than the Knights. Honestly, it was never supposed to happen.
It was after a mission when you decided to change the bandages on your wound, alone. You crept down to a lower level to gain access to the medical supplies. Once you found what you were looking for, you went up to the medbay on the same level, your quarters were in. You reached the empty medbay and noticed how haunted it looked during lights out, the plain walls; adding more to the abandoned horror house. You waved your hand in a semi circle form in the air and the lights were slowly resurrected to life. You took off your armour, rather slowly; making sure that not even the pets be awakened by your undressing. You were now only in a black plain tank top and skin tight leggings. You lifted your tank top; wincing in pain as it unglued itself from your fresh wound. You tried your best to clean it and stitch it up. You were so caught up in the process, that you didn't sense the hissing of the medbay hatch nor the woman the walked in.

"Who are you?", you were greeted by a blaster. You jolted at the voice. The blaster?, not so much. You raised your arm up, whilst clutching the bandage on your left palm. "Phasma, just let me go and I'll explain", you tried dismissing the bomb, that was this situation. Phasma looked around and room, and found your armour laying on the bed, without its owner. "Bloodhound Ren?", her eyes widened whilst her brows were raised. She placed her blaster to the side counter and walked over to help you, instead of calling rat faced ginger or child tantrum emo.
"", she crouched to down to your little size and began to bandage it. You told her everything, without hesitation. Phasma treated you like a son in battle, always looking after you before her troopers. Making jokes when you were injured. You never had a mother, so whenever you had her around; you'd make the most of it.

Now, she will treat you like a daughter. The both of you continued your conversations for hours, this was the most you've spoke with her. She was a busy woman, even busier than pedicure redhead Hux. Just like Cardo, she was strategist. She spent most of her time with your master as he valued her intelligence.

Before you even asked, she promised to keep it between you too. You bid her for the night and she did too in return. "Goodnight Pandora", her smile was cheeky, she liked the name.
"Goodnight, Phasma".


You had been in a deep slumber for who knows how long, you slowly opened your eyes, the bright lights, setting your tired eyes aflame. You blinked profusely, struggling to remove the crusts that had formed at the corners of your eye. Thankfully, you were able to see clearly, after a long time. You lifted your head up, to find the ridiculously big room, made small, by men in all black tank tops and sweatpants laying around. Ushar and Cardo were on the chairs placed by the main hatch with their heads facing the ceiling; mouth open and snoring loudly. You noticed the big guy on the floor hugging Ap,lek's tiny body, like siblings reluctant to let their grip loosen. Vicrul sat at the corner of the room right beside your bed, his head resting on the wall whilst his legs were spread into a V shape. Kuruk's head was on your bed, his handsome face; facing you. Damn he looked like a prince.

You looked more to his side and caught Phasmas armour beside her as she laid on a seperate bed, her back turned to you. She had been wearing one of the knights clothing, Cardo's no less. You always wondered if they gave each other a shot, what would be. Cardo did like her but was too arrogant to confess, Phasma too. She kept reminding you that they were just 'friends', but you knew better than that.

After thoroughly scanning the room, with your weak eyes. You pouted at the fact that Kylo was no where in sight. You shrugged at how your brain kept asking you, 'Where's Kylo?'. You hated that you ached to see him. Lost in you thoughts, you had forgotten just how thirsty you were. You stroked Kuruk's thick black hair, trying your best not to scare him awake. His eyes fluttered open, he soon realised you had awakened him. You placed a finger on your lip, shushing him. He obviously ignored it. "Heyyyyy!!, look who's up", Kuruk basically gave everyone a heart attack. Vicrul was the one to walk over to you first. His eyes were red and swollen, he was crying. Vicrul never cries, the sight broke your very soul. "Hey, no, no, I'm okay", you brushed his cheeks. You heard a large snap, the boys the broke open their small weaponry, only to realise, Trudgen was stretching and cracked his neck. Everyone gave Trudgen a deatg stare. Not being able to keep it in. You broke out in laughter, your cheeks screaming for you to shut up, your stomach ached. Phasma's laughter followed as did they others.
"Hold on, who calls the nurse?", Kuruk looked around. They all stood still; watching each other. Ap'lek and Ushar bolted out the door. "Damn, must be some type a nurse", you smirked. "Even I, check her out", Phasma's voice came from the back of the room. "Everyone clear out, I need to hug my MOM", you lazily pushed Kuruk's arms, he led the boys to another corner of the room. Phasma stepped and bent her huge height to meet your tiny body, you hugged her tight, so did she. You planted several kissess on her cheek as she giggled. She withdrew from the hug slowly, you did the same. She eyed the boys very suspiciously. "If anyone out of this room, tells anyone else what happened here, I will not blink before blowing you up", her finger pointing at every knight as she spoke. You chuckled as she got herself ready to get to work, she bid you and knights. The grey hatch door hissed open, upon Phasma's exit, the nurse walked in. You realised that she was no oridinary nurse, she had black scrubs on, meaning she was a high ranked nurse, her uniforms neckline hung low, very low. She was too young to be in the her position but your mind couldn't think logically as she walked in. You whistled "Goddamn girl, you are hot", she blushed and faced the ground at your praise. The men were focused on her. You snapped your fingers at them, as she did her last examination. "Man whore's" you murmured. The nurse snickered at your remark. She had bright white teeth and wrinkles around her mouth as she smiled. "Psssst, come closer", you whispered at the nurse, the boys were too busy in their own chatter to notice. "Which one?", you asked.
"Miss, I dont know what you're talking about" she acted dumb. You raised an eyebrow, letting her know that you know.
"Him", she pointed sneakily.
"His name is Ushar", you replied. "He's the clown of the group, he likes to jokes around a lot but he still one of the best. Plus dont worry, I have daddy issues too, I would choose him too".
"Why don't you then?", her brows furrowed.
"Hm?", you were baffled by her questions. "Because.....honey, I think they deserve better than me, honestly this men maybe intimidating but they make me feel at home and I believe that I am not the right person for anyone", you offered a small smile.
"Almost done, miss. After this,  you'll be ready to kick some serious ass", she winked. After the checkups were done, she wrote something on her data pad before looking up to, "you're not a bad person either, miss. We all make mistakes and sins, but thats doesn't mean we are evil. So I think you should give yourself more credit", she patter your shoulder before leaving.

It was time to leave and you have been more happy to visit yoir quarters. "Alright, strippers help me up. This bitch needs to get out of here". You raised both your arms. The men chuckled whilst pulling you up.


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