Chapter 1

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I have a huge secret...and no I'm not exaggerating. You're probably wondering what it is and I'll get there, but first I'm going to tell you a bit about me. Well for one, I really like drawing and hate social gatherings. I'm not that shy I just prefer to be in the background, doing my own thing. I'd be the one at the party but not particularly the life of the party, you get what I'm saying? Anyways, so I'm a pretty low cut guy and my goal is to be a doctor- its a childhood dream- My friends are Lafayette and Hercules. We met in elementary. I met Lafayette when I defended him because people would make fun of his accent- he trips up a bit when he's mad but it doesn't bother me- and he was the one who introduced me to Hercules, Hercules Mulligan and we became friends from there. My best friend, his name is Alexander Hamilton, he was a new kid who came to our middle school- Yorktown middle school- in New York (Ik there's a highschool called Yorktown high school/middle school in Indiana but these have no connection to one another) he came from the Caribbean and it was Aaron Burr that introduced him to us, from there we hung out and especially got close when we'd be stuck in detention for dumb things like standing on tables and stuff. We met the Schuyler's freshmen year of high school and after two boring years, I'm now a junior. Well, now that thats over, my big secret...I'm hopelessly in love with my best friend, Alexander Hamilton. I know! I know! How could I? But you don't understand. Hell, I don't understand. It's not like he even likes me anyways. Remember the Schuyler sisters? Yeah, one of them is his girlfriend, so there is no way I have a chance. My chance was lost before I even realised I was gay. How I found out? Not important.
This is a huge issue. Not only is my sexuality a secret, but I have been in love with my best friend for god knows how long. I managed three years keeping it a secret so this is not supposed to be the year for any drama to happen. I will do whatever I can to not like him anymore if it's the last thing I do. Then there doesn't need to be drama. My conscious rang in my mind. It's right, as long as I stay away from parties and other people's problems then everything will be okay. "John! We're leaving lets go." I grabbed my suitcase and tossed it in the trunk, then got into the passenger side of the car looking out the window.
I watched the trees fly by, picturing a ninja running with the speed of the car to pass time. It was going to be a boring ride back to New York. I stayed at my dads summer home back in South Carolina for the whole summer. Not once did I get to see my friends or Hamilton and his beautiful face in person. Stop with the gay thoughts Laurens, remember you're trying to get rid of the crush, not make it worse.
We talked a lot online but once it got to mid-July we rarely talked. " You should have made yourself useful and helped your sister with her bags." Thats my dad. Ever since my mother passed away, he entered a deep depression and when my younger brother died, he became more serious and rarely showed his emotions. I turned up the volume to my music and continued to stare outside the window, trying desperately to drone out my sisters whines about when we're getting home. She's twelve. That means she's very emotional and stingy, she always has attitude and it always gets on my nerves.
I simply rolled my eyes and laid my head gently against the window, ignoring the vibration that tickled my ears as I closed my eyes.

We stopped by midway to use the bathroom- my sister desperately needed to go- and then got lunch. It was the usual. We were all on our phones.

Group chat
Angie Queen: yo yo yo yo Jackie Chan when you coming homeeee🥳🎉
Me: don't call me that
Lex: I'm so excited to see you man! Been counting down the days.
Laffy Taffy: woah Alex you forgot about us
Hercules the god: yeah man what about us
Elizard: Remember guys he's my boyfriend 😘
Notpreggers: relax, bros before hoes, its just the bro code. 😎👊
Elizard: I am NOT a hoe😡
Hercules the god: Hoes madddddd hoes madddd
Elizard: 🤦🏻‍♀️
Lex: yo don't call my girl that what's wrong w/ u
Hercules the god: oh yeah I forgot YOUR THE HOEEEEEEE
Lex: you're*
Hercules the god: Ha Ha. Spelling nazi, sitcho ass down boi before I whoop yo ass
Me: I don't know how you guys haven't made it on the news yet for a homicide
Hercules the god: I mean I made it on the news but not for a homicide
Me: yeah I remember that, dont remind me.
Lex: don't*
Me: I'll correct your face, how bout that?
Laffy Taffy:OOOOOOOO shots fired
Angie queen:🔫
Elizard: pew pew
"John! Dad said that we're not leaving until you throw your trash away so hurry up so we can go." She left, whipping her hair at my face. I glared at her and opened the chat.
Me: sorry guys gotta go, Martha is being a party pooper
Lex: damn bro that sucks
Laffy Taffy: Au revoir
Hercules the god: bye bitch
Angie Queen: 🖐
Elizard: bye John 😊
Notpreggers: Bye!

Message from Lex: Hey man, wanted to tell you this in private message cuz then the gang would be saying shit like "Gayyyyy" so I just wanted to say that I can't wait until you come back. I really missed you so much. I got carried away with the extra summer courses I took so I lost track of time. I really can't wait to see you, I'm going to attack you with a tight hug so beware >:3

I blushed and smiled lovingly. I knew he didn't mean it in that way but hey, a guy can dream. Well, not me. Guilt pools up in my stomach every time and it kills me. He's got a girlfriend John, you can't. I tried, and I tried, but I can't not like him . The more I try to avoid him, the more I want him.
" John, hurry up!" I looked up from my phone and scrambled to my feet. I threw away my trash and got into the car. " Took you long enough." I simply looked out the window. I heard him mutter about me and I ignored him.
I couldn't wait to make it back to New York.

So that was chapter one, I hope you guys liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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