Chapter 33 pt. 2: Mila

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A/N: This is kind of a bonus chapter. I wanted to put this section in last chapter, but it went longer than I expected, and didn't quite fit later in the story. So enjoy a closer look into Mila's perspective! :)

The first thing Mila was going to do when this was over was have a strong drink. Or four.
She hadn't used this much magical energy since Woodstock. Scratch that, since way before then.
She hadn't done this much magic all at once since the Civil War- not that she would ever admit to being that old. She still felt like a teenager after all. She'd stopped aging at seventeen, after all, although she was closer to seventeen hundred.
If she was honest with herself, she wasn't sure she'd survive tonight. She'd already drastically weakened herself by casting so many spells at once. If JJ was as old as she thought he could be... well, he was more powerful than she was prepared to deal with in a weakened state.
But she couldn't sit idly by. She never could. Perhaps that's why she'd become immortal at seventeen. She had the spirit of a reckless teenager, though she tried hard to curb it.
Then there was Sara.
She might've been able to let the vampires deal with this themselves... if it hadn't been for Sara. She'd been enamored by the girl since day one.
Every few decades, Mila liked to take up a new hobby. It wouldn't last long, as she grew bored once she mastered something.
It had only been a couple of years since she began skating. It was very easy for her to learn, as she'd already tried her hand at several types of dancing and her balance was impeccable.
She was a natural on the ice.
But when she saw Sara for the first time, she knew.
Mila might be a natural, but Sara had been born to skate.
She was entrancing and intriguing. Mila had needed to meet her.
She'd been just as interesting to talk to. Her quick wit and sharp temper paired with her innate kindness were just as entrancing to Mila as her talent for skating.
It was so rare that Mila met someone who could actually interest her, and she'd quickly fallen head over heels for the skater.
When Mickey had been turned, she'd suspected what they had would have to end. She'd had to end relationships to protect herself or the other person enough times to know how this went. She'd gotten used to cherishing love while it lasted, knowing it would eventually end.
What she hadn't been expecting was Sara to end their relationship first.
Even at the end, Sara kept surprising her.
"I know that what we have is just getting started, and there's so much more we could be," Sara had told her softly, her swollen eyes doing nothing to mar her beauty, "but I can't... be in a relationship right now. I know Mickey is going down a terrible path, and I have to focus on helping him. I love you, Mila, you're the highlight of my life. But I need... I need to be there for Mickey, and I can't ask you to wait for me. I can't do both."
For the first time in almost a century, Mila felt tears gathering in her eyes. She had been human once, but she didn't think she'd ever been as strong as the woman in front of her.
She pulled Sara into a tender, bittersweet kiss.
"I understand. And I know you won't ask me to, but I'll wait for you. Save that idiot brother of yours."
The next day, an angry Mickey had appeared in her home, demanding to know why she'd broken his sister's heart.
He'd gotten his fledgling ass squarely handed to him.
"I'm not the one breaking her heart. If I ever see you here again, I will kill you."
"I'll be stronger," the stupid child had boasted through his fear. "I'll be strong enough to beat you."
"Then I'll kill your sister," she said blandly, but it was the emptiest threat she'd ever made in her life. They both knew it.
He knew her secret, but she let him go anyways. They'd formed an unspoken pact to stay away from each other, one that had been broken for the worst of reasons.
She really had gotten herself into a bind. Not only did she have a weakness, one that was as fragile as a human life, but someone who was her natural enemy knew that weakness. She was getting soft in her old age. But Mickey was right, she could never hurt Sara. She could never let her get hurt either.
So, here she was, using way more magic than she should be to make sure Sara survived the night, along with the two other innocent kids the vampire had dragged into this.
Once they fled to the house, she couldn't keep an eye on them without leaving Sara unprotected. She just had to hope the four vampires made it in time to save them.
How strange her life was, trusting vampires to save humans. But she'd been watching from the sidelines long enough to know that this clan was a good one. They'd protect the humans, possibly with her life, which was more than she could ask for.
Though she would always want to protect innocents, she would protect those she cared about first.
So Mila watched, maintaining the scrying spell, and preparing an exchange spell, ready to trade places with Sara at a moment's notice.
The two vampires began to fight, and she knew she needed to jump in.
She gave Mickey and Victor a brief rundown, activating the spell before she could even wish them good luck, and flinging herself into action.
She saw barest glimpse of Sara's face before they traded places. It was tense and frightened, nothing like the carefree expression she wore when she smiled.
Mila hoped she lived through the night, if only so she could see Sara's beautiful smile one more time.

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