Chapter 28

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Yuri grimaced in pain. JJ's nails were digging into his skin, hard enough to draw blood. He could hear Guang Hong whimpering on JJ's other side, and tried his hardest not to join the other boy.
The vampire remained scarily silent, a direct contrast to his usual bragging. He was walking quickly, barely slow enough for the two humans to stay on their feet. Waves of dizziness poured over Yuri. JJ has taken a lot of blood, and he'd barely had any time to recover. He felt shaky and lightheaded. No doubt Guang Hong was feeling the same way.
He stumbled as the flat ground turned into stairs. The vampire growled in annoyance, and he scrambled up as best as he could.
After a couple of flights of stairs, a door opened, and a breeze blew his hair back. Were they outside?
Yuri gulped when he saw their location: the roof. What was it with JJ and roofs?
The iron grip around his wrist released, and he crumpled to the ground. He hadn't realized JJ had been holding so much of his weight.
He looked at his arm with a dazed look. It was bruised and swelling slightly. There was a tiny trickle of blood coming from cuts on it. He glanced up and saw JJ licking the blood off of his nails. Yuri shivered, feeling nauseous, and looked away.
The roof was full of people. Emile, Seung Gil and Georgi were there, as was a girl he didn't recognize. He wondered if she was another vampire for a second. Then he noticed the way she glared at the others and cringed away if they got too close.
She was a prisoner just like they were.
JJ stalked towards the girl. She took a step back, anger and fear on her face.
JJ grabbed her wrist and started to drag her to the edge of the roof.
Yuri scrambled to his feet so he could see what was going on.
"Hey, you said you wouldn't hurt her," Emile said. His expression was neutral, but there was an underlying tension in his statement. JJ didn't respond, adjusting so he was holding the girl in a chokehold.
Yuri walked to the edge of the roof, as far away from JJ as he could get. Seung Gil gave him a dark look, but didn't stop him. He peered down into the dark. Three figures were standing on the ground.
His heart leaped when he saw a flash of silver hair. Was that Victor?!
"A witch, a fledgling, and a traitor," JJ spoke, making Yuri jump. His voice was the same volume as always, but something told him the three on the ground had heard him anyways.
"Are you insane?!" The girl cried out. "Witches? Kidnapping? What kind of freak cult have you joined?"
"Sara-" Emile began, looking resigned.
"Both of you shut up," JJ commanded. The roof went completely silent.
"If you wanted to explain to your girlfriend, you had a chance," He snarled at Emile. He turned his focus back towards the ground.
"You want her, right? Her and Yuri?" The three on the ground were silent, but Yuri could just make out Victor clenching his fists.
"I have no need for her or the other human. The only one I need is Yuri. She," he tightened his grip on Sara's throat, "is useless to me."
She struggled for several moments, clawing uselessly at the vampire's arm. Just when she seemed to be losing strength, JJ slackened his grip. She crumpled to the floor of the roof.
"I have no use for her or the other one except as hostages or snacks. It's messy to leave too many bodies, so I don't want to kill them."
JJ paused, looking down at Sara with disdain. Emile looked disturbed, eyebrows furrowed anxiously.
"But if you keep making trouble for me," JJ continued, eyes a blazing red, "I will return them to you piece by bloody piece."

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now