Chapter 22

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Victor stood at the opening of the cave, and inhaled deeply.
"You're right," he said. "Definitely doesn't smell like human or vampire."
Mickey nodded. The scent coming from the cave was unlike any they'd ever smelled. Instead of the warm, almost metallic scent of human flesh and blood, or the darker, mysterious scent of the vampire race, there came a paradoxical scent: fresh and clean, yet ancient; like a spring of water, and like burning wood; like earthy dirt, and like the open sky. It smelled nice, but there was something about it that set all of Victor's nerves on end. It was too foreign, too wrong, too dangerous.
"Are you sure this is safe?" He questioned hesitantly. Mickey glanced at him.
"Oh it definitely isn't safe. But Mila cared about Sara. I'm sure she'd do anything to hep us get her back."
"And what if she kills us on sight?" Victor pressed nervously.
"Then we'll die," Mickey said bluntly, only his eyes showing any hint of uncertainty. "Look, do you want to save your boyfriend or not?" He asked impatiently. Victor's face flushed red.
"Yuri isn't my boyfriend," he said, with a twinge of regret.
"Whatever. You want to save him right? Mila's the only person that can get us in there."
Resolve strengthened, Victor nodded, and plunged into the cave, Mickey at his heels. They weren't three steps in, when a loud rumbling sounded from behind them. Before they had even turned around, rocks had fallen from seemingly nowhere, and blocked the entrance.
"Guess there's no going back," Victor said.
"She's upgraded her defenses since I last came here," Mickey muttered.
"You mean you already knew something like this would happen?" Victor accused the other fledgling.
"Nothing like this!" The brunette defended. "Last time I was here the defenses would have only stopped most humans, and maybe some weaker fledglings. I don't know what lies ahead. The witch might have changed them with the tensions rising between vampires."
"Whatever the traps are, we have to be careful," Victor stated.
"Let's keep going."
It was only about ten more steps before they set off another trap. A blinding flash went off in front of them and behind them.
"Agh, what the-"
"Hey, I can't move!"
Neither of them could.
"What is this?" Victor wondered aloud.
It's a special ward I like to call the Binding Ward. A voice echoed through the cave.
"Mila?" Mickey called.
Michele. I thought I told you if you ever came back, I'd kill your sister.
"I never believed that," Mickey stated. "You loved Sara."
A loud, reluctant sigh was heard.
"You're right," a normal voice said grudgingly. "I was only bluffing to try to keep you away from me."
A girl with auburn hair and light blue eyes stepped out of the shadows. She was nothing like Victor had thought she would be. He'd been expecting an intimidating, aloof woman, but this girl looked downright friendly.
"It didn't work very well I see," she said brightly.
Mickey let out a nervous laugh.
"No, not really. So... would you mind letting us out of these... Binding Wards?"
"Sorry," she answered breezily, "I can't have a bunch of vampires roaming freely around my home."
"We don't mean any harm," Victor input hopefully.
"Then why'd you break into my home?" Mila challenged.
"We didn't mean-" Mickey started.
"I wouldn't actually kill Sara," Mila interrupted. Her friendly eyes became cold as ice, and both fledglings shivered. The witch slowly walked closer. She stopped about a foot away from them, and a chilling smile that matched her eyes crept across her face.
"But I wouldn't say the same about a couple of filthy blood-suckers."

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