Hearing William grumble I laughed, "Okay guys I know it's been a few days but we have to hurry this up before they know I'm gone." I told them looking around.

"What's he been up to?" I asked bluntly.

William cleared his throat, "Well for one he was absolutely pissed. Tortured the dude to death after he delivered your message." He told me slowly.

I sighed, "Yes, well what do you expect? The guy had one job and even then he would have died anyways he was secretly stealing their supplies so it was his fault." I clarified.

"Yeah we know, we just weren't sure about you.. He did it for you as he claims." Aidan said softly.

I pursued my lips, "I know, it'll be over soon."

"Okay well moving on, as soon as the problem was gone he talked to Anatoly. They are going to attack in approximately 2 weeks, after your ball. This time he wants less attention since he is sure he will win, he doesn't want any other enemies." William explained.

"After the ball. It was moved into the afternoon so he planning to attack the castle at night?" I asked with a scrunched nose.

"Yeah. We are gathering the intel on his plan now as it comes in. We already have our stuff ready to go, we will be in Italy in a week to make sure we can learn the layout. And I don't want to hear no's. I need to make sure you're safe." William told me sternly.

"Okay, if it makes you feel better but stay low. We don't need anyone knowing hellfire's people are here and scoping out the streets of Italy. I will contact you guys again before the ball. Eu amo vocês, caras. Fique seguro." (Portuguese "I love you guys. Stay safe.") I breathe closing my eyes.

"Nós amamos você, pequena uva." (Portuguese "We love you, little grape.") They both said.

Hanging up the phone I decided just to take the whole bag with me and hide it in the entrance of the secret exit.

11:08 AM

Starting to run I had to get back before the water started to overflow. After scanning the area I ran straight for the exit and made it without any prying eyes.

I made it to the tub just before it was going to start overflowing and I drained a little before hopping in.

Waking down the hallways to get to the dining room after getting ready I looked at at the family photos.

All of them look so happy.

I know they love me but sometimes I still get that feeling I cause too much trouble for them.

Stopping at the last picture of the whole entire family, I saw happiness. I looked at all my uncles, aunts, and cousins in the photo and wished Petro never made that stupid plan to get me out of it.



I was still in this infuriating small room trying to keep myself sane. Everything was spinning.

I furrowed my brows since I heard arguing close by.

"She's 5 years old Petro. Not to mention you had her the last five years and they just found her." A rough voice said.

"Exactly they just found her. They will go crazy looking for her but they won't find her. We will train her, teach her, lie to her and eventually she will forget them. She will grow to love me, she will take my hand." Petro said full of confidence which made me scoff.

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