Chapter 17: Parents

Start from the beginning

Anna stayed silent. We all did. I didn't believe that was the case, but she did become rather obsessed with it. It couldn't be discarded just yet, and a part of me actually wished it was just that.

"The third possibility would involve a person or group we know nothing about. Someone who isn't hunting us nor wants to be found, but at the same time, confident enough to play an instrument and copy Nora's music after listening to it from a ridiculous distance."

"What if they want to be found?" I asked.

If stares could kill...

"I mean, what if they play because they want someone to meet them, but they hide when the wrong person shows up?"

Alex took some time to think about what I said before he answered, "If we take into account that they're doing so within a restricted area in the middle of the forest, and that they are probably aware of it, then the question would be, who are they expecting to see?"

No one had an answer. The more we thought about it, the stranger the situation became. Eventually, we decided to drop the topic and continued eating. There was nothing else we could do but wait and see if the rangers found something. If they didn't, chances were that the trespassers left, or that Alex was right. Maybe it was all in Anna's head. Just in case, Dr. Blake forbade us from going outside and told us to cover our windows for the rest of the day.


After eating, Dr. Blake stood up and walked towards his office, taking both newcomers with him. Sylvia decided it had been too much excitement for the day and went to her room to rest. Finally, Anna went back to the lab to get some work done with Lily following behind her.

I was planning to stay at the table and chat with Allison at first. That was until I remembered there was something rather important I needed to do after eating. I felt bad for leaving Allison alone, so I apologised to her before I ran, catching up to Sylvia on her way to the living quarters.

After wishing Sylvia a good sleep, I went inside my own room and peeked through the corner of the window to make sure the coast was clear. Seeing nothing, I closed the curtains as Dr. Blake instructed and took out my phone to call Mom. The phone had only rung once when she picked up.

<What is wrong with you!? Do you have any idea of how worried you had me all this time!?>

"I'm sorry, Mom."

<I only asked for one thing. One simple thing! To send me a message and let me know you're doing well. Was it too much for you!?>

"I said I'm sorry, okay? There was so much going on that it slipped my mind."

<Oh, don't worry. I'm sure getting involved with terrorists and drinking as a minor are more important than giving your mother some peace of mind.>

I froze after her statement. My mouth kept opening and closing as I tried to process what I heard.

"I... What?"

<Am I wrong? That's what you said in your message, didn't you? Were you too intoxicated to remember? I can't believe they let you do something like that!>

What kind of message did I send her?

I couldn't remember. I was in such a hurry to disconnect myself from everything that I didn't actually pay attention to what I was writing.

"Um, Mom. I don't know what I said yesterday, but I think you misunderstood something."

She remained silent for several seconds. I was about to ask if she was still there when she spoke again.

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