"I don't know." he smiled again, "We're going to be parents in less than a year. Can you believe that?"

"I know, Cas. You are going to make a great dad."

"So are you. Probably better than me." he replied.

"No! You'll be the best dad." Dean shook his head, squeezing Castiel's hand.

Cas laughed, looking down at his lap and shaking his head. "Fine. I guess I'll make a pretty good father."

"Damn right." Dean said, leaning over to his face to kiss him on the lips.

After a while they arrived at the clinic. This was the time they would find out who would be compatible. Both of their hearts were beating at the same time, with the same beat. Cas let go of Dean's hand so he could take the key out of the ignition. Both of them were numb, terrified. But in a good way. Cas wanted Dean to be the father, yet he had a percent of him that wanted to be it, as well. Dean was the same, he wanted Cas to be the dad.

They looked at each other and nodded, giving each other the look, saying "We can do this." And it was true. They had always been in it together, through thick and thin. Through Dean's father dying to Cas getting symptoms of cancer, but testing negatively, they were there together with each other. Dean didn't know if this was the way John wanted him to carry on the family name, but he was in love, so he couldn't give a shit. Their boy or girl would be a Winchester.

Cas was neglected by his family growing up, both of his parents despised him and none of his six siblings even remotely cared about him. He always hated his last name, because it reminded him of the crippling family that he had. And so therefore, when he married Dean, he forever changed his last name. He was a Winchester. Forever and always. He loved Dean's family, Sam and his wife Eileen were always kind to him, Ellen and her husband, Bobby, who had Jo as their daughter. Jo adored Castiel, and admittedly, so did the rest. 

Jo was like Dean's sister and was always kind to the both of them. Sam loved Cas from the moment he met him. Eileen was deaf, but she was an excellent lip reader and could talk excellently, Cas even learned certain motions in sign language for her. Bobby had always been protective of his boys, but after meeting the tenderhearted, warm man, he obliged. Ellen was the same. Cas called them their family, even if most of them weren't Winchesters. They were all a family that he never could get.

And now, Castiel might have his own biological family. One that he knew would love and care him, just like the way he would practically spoil them. Boy or girl, Cas will love them with every fiber of his body, even if they weren't his.

They both succumbed the urge to kiss each other, as the appointment was at 3:45 and they couldn't waste any time. They hopped out of the car, shutting the doors in sync. They were both equally as nervous, fiddling with their thumbs while walking down the walkway to the doors. Cas opened the door, Dean following behind him. Since the door was small they had separated from beside each other, but Dean quickly caught up to be next to him.

The husbands sat down in the chair at the same time, both holding their knees and sighing, the cheap, wilting green cushions heaving beneath them. Dean looked at his watch, 3:42. Three minutes before they went into the office, probably four minutes before they find out who will be the father. Cas had never been more excited. Well, maybe his wedding day. But he knew that Dean was the one, he knew Dean wouldn't run away during their ceremony. He just knew.

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