Vincent stared at her before he asked in a serious voice, "Did something happen? Why did that rascal Kevin always take advantage of Giselle? What the fuck? I will drag that Kevin's ass once I go back to work."

"No, don't." She said at the same time she shook her head. "There was nothing happened, okay?" She said. She didn't want any bigger problem. Vincent and Dean didn't even get along. If Vincent found out that the patient, which they were talking about, was the same person as the man, who he punched, the world war three would begin in no time. "I had to do it because Kevin was scared of him. He begged me to switch so I decided to do it. That was all. You guys are taking it too far."

Luna narrowed her eyes at her friend, suspiciously, as she replied, "Sure. Don't let me catch you." Without hesitation, Giselle lifted her hand to smack Luna lightly. When Vincent didn't stop staring at her with his serious expression, she lifted her hand to smack his head too. He groaned in pain before the two girls laughed. "He deserved that," Luna said as she watched him rubbing his head.

In the middle of their lunch, a sudden police siren echoed across the street. They turned at the same time to see three police cars were parked in front of the hospital while six police officers started to run in. Vincent finished swallowing his spaghetti before he wondered out loud, "What is happening?" Nobody replied since none of them knew about the situation The three friends ended up eating in a rush. Luna and Giselle hurried to finish their lunch so that they could go and see what was happening. Vincent told them to let him know about it too before he took a taxi and returned to his house.

As the sun started to goes down, Dean sighed out loud. Another day had passed, yet he found himself was all alone in the hospital room. His reality felt like a dream, like an emptiness that filled up his heart and mind. He stared out the window, up into the orange sky that slowly turned into purple and then dark navy blue. As he lost in his deep thought, he came to realize how his feeling in this very moment was no different than his every day in the past.

Have I always been this lonely? What a petty life I have?

He questioned himself. He had always been too busy to even take his time to think and breathe. Everyday sped up at the speed of light for him. Everything he did in the past didn't even feel like they mattered to him now. All he could feel was blankness. It felt like everything was just a nightmare and a dream. There were a lot of things that happened, yet it felt like it had never happened.

Suddenly, a few knocks on the door drew his attention. He turned to look to see the lawyer, who was carrying a bag, walked in. He. closed the door behind his back before he made his way towards Dean. "Take a seat," Dean said in a serious voice while he made his way to sit on the sofa. The lawyer sat at the same time he placed the bag onto the coffee table.

"Mr. Winchester, this is the clothes that you told me to buy... and," He hesitated as he opened the bag to pull out the gun and put it onto the table. "This is the gun that you told me to get. I've sent a sum of my money into your bank account too. Here is the proof." He said and then took out a receipt to show Dean nervously.

Ignoring the receipt, Dean furrowed his brows and grabbed the gun to take a closer look. "Do not tell anyone about any of these, or I will kill you." He threatened even though he knew that he wouldn't just kill anyone without a reason. He checked to see if the gun had any bullets. After that, he placed the gun back onto the table, then stared sharply at the lawyer. "You should know the reason why I told you to come here."

The lawyer gazed up to meet Dean's eyes before he opened the bag to pull out a folder. He handed it to Dean with his shaky hands as he said, "I got Mr. Richard Chu's house contract like you've asked. I have been trying to reach your bodyguards, but none of them answered my call nor reply to my email. It is all on you now, sir. You can sign it and then give it back to me so that I can finish the process. After that, the house will be under your name... even though it was illegally done."

Dean took the folder to place it near him on the sofa. He cleared his throat a little and then replied, "I've changed my mind. I won't be needing that bastard's house anymore." The lawyer widened his eyes in shock and then nodded a few times. "Anyway, I need you to buy me a car and a house within three days. For the house, try to find the one that is near Richard Chu's house. I don't want anyone to find out about any of these." He demanded as he pulled his black card out from his shirt's pocket and tossed it onto the table. "Use this to buy them. If you are thinking of playing dirty on me, just remember about your wife and your kids."

"Sir... Yes, I will do as you ask. I will come back to see you within three days." The lawyer said as he nervously reached for the black card, which had a cobra snake printed on it.

"Get out before anyone could come in," Dean said shortly caused the old man in front of him to stand up immediately. He shoved the black card into his pants' pocket and then quickly rushed out of the room.

Dean shook his head slightly at the lawyer's ridiculous nervousness. He acted as if Dean was going to rip him into pieces. Could he just be normal like everyone else? It was annoying. While shrugging his shoulders, Dean reached for the gun and the bag. He shoved the folder into the bag before he stood up to make his way towards the closet. After he tossed the bag into the closet, he turned to walk back to the bed. He placed his glute onto the bed while he stared at the pistol in his hand.

He was going to quit it. He was going to stop act out of the law. He didn't know why he even needed the gun. All of a sudden, the image of him, when he was younger, shot a disguised doctor, started to resurface his mind. It felt like a dream. He couldn't believe that he killed someone at such a young age. Ever since he killed that disguised man, everything else that people considered violent, started to become like nothing to him. It was psychologically wrong to have that kind of mindset, but he couldn't do anything to change it.

He gulped quietly as he turned to place the gun under his pillow. He wondered, if what he was doing now, was the result of the trauma that his childhood caused him. The fear of getting killed and the fear of killing someone was mixing inside of him. The only way for him to survive was to kill those who hurt him because if he didn't do that, he would be the one to get killed. Everyone seemed to be innocent and kind on the outside, but it never meant that they weren't capable of killing another being. Was it wrong for him to think that way? All he wanted was to sleep peacefully without the fear of losing.

While Dean was shifting his pillow to cover the gun, he heard a few knocks from the door. He quickly fixed the pillow before he turned to see Giselle. She was carrying a tray of his dinner. A spark of electrifying emotion jolted his heart as soon as his eyes met her soft gaze.

After what she told him in the afternoon, Dean had been staring at the clock while waiting for the night to approach. Little did he knew that he had been waiting for his dinner time all day. Never had he ever thought that he would feel so relieved to just have his dinner in a cold hospital room.


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