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Sauntering back down to the dungeons, where his private quarters awaited, Severus smiled to himself

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Sauntering back down to the dungeons, where his private quarters awaited, Severus smiled to himself. He was quite proud of his handiwork only moments before.

The way the boy had fear in his eyes brought a certain jovial feeling in Severus, almost as if it were one of glee. Now he should know to never mess with Hogwarts Students.

Severus really couldn't wait to see Igors face if and when he found out of the incident.

But legitimately trying to drown him in the black lake seemed merrier than it sounded. Of course he promised Hermione he wouldn't take revenge, but how could he not? And its not that he only now cared because she slept with him, no! Far from that! It was an aspect he had learned to hold to his chest of protecting the ones who couldn't do it for themselves. Not to say Hermione couldn't, but the stories she told him, were enough to want to drive him to murder the kid. But, he wouldn't for the sake of Hermione and Dumbledore, he wouldn't.

Once he met his door, he opened it and made sure it fully closed and was warded behind him. A small smile crept up his face at the thought of her being able to get into his rooms. But of course she was now always welcome down here.

Passing the living room area, the library and kitchen, he made his way to his bedroom. The sheets were still a mess and the faint smell of her filled the vicinity. Going over to his bed, he kicked off his shoes and discarded his long billowing robe. He decided not to dwell on the almost murder of a student. Though he liked it, he had hope Hermione wouldn't find out and reprimand or hate him for it.

Leaning back on the bed, he crossed his legs at the ankle and sighed deeply. Resting his hands behind his head, he decided sleep just wasn't an option at the moment. Not wanting a drink or having any inkling to pick up a book, he leaned over to his nightstand and picked up a small box.

His box of chocolates.

He loved chocolate, never a doubt about that. Was it not okay for a man to have a sweet tooth?

Opening the lid, his eyes widened in horror; it was empty.

Someone had eaten all of his chocolates!

Throwing the box and lid across the room in anger, he crossed his arms over his chest. Whoever it was was going to pay for it. When he wanted and felt the sudden need for a small truffle, he didn't have it. Damn everyone!

His mind reeled at who it could have been. Thats when he looked up and smirked.

Hermione Jean Granger ate his chocolates.

The very thought of her licking the access caramel from a filled truffle filled his mind; the thought of her licking her fingers slowly one by one. It was agonizing.

A small glint formed in his eyes. Oh she was going to pay. The thought of disciplining her for eating his sweets played across his minds. Oh Severus did have a sweet tooth, and this one happened to be just for Hermione Granger.

— end.

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