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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Once she got to the girls bathroom, she warded the door and went to a mirror.

As she looked at herself, so many ideas and images popped in her head. She blushed. Most were insane and called for a deathwish, but she felt that this was her one and only chance, and at this moment, at this time, it just seemed right to do.

She still couldn't believe she broke down in front of him. Not only did she make herself appear as a fool, but also unstable. She glared at her reflection. Her hair was frizzy, and her eyes were still puffy and irritated from crying. What was wrong with her!? She shrugged, maybe she was unstable.

With what Victor did to her, she wished she would have done more than give him a bloody nose. She hoped and prayed that it was broken, for then she would feel some sort of justice for what he did to her today and in the past.

She had opened up to the guy. Trusted him beyond measures, only to be screwed over in the end. And now, Snape was involved! God, all she needed was for him to find out what had happened in her past, to result in such actions today.

She grabbed her bag off of the sinks counter and went into a stall. Once inside, she placed her bag on the top of the ledge in the stall and charmed it to be invisible. Once done, she nodded her head and exited the stall. An all new feeling washed over her, she felt confident in what she was doing, and what she was going to do.

She looked at the time. No more than 4 hours until the party. She unwarded the door and exited. As she walked back to the dorms, students from inside and out were all staring at her and whispering. She just held her head up and walked to her rooms.

Once inside, all of the girls were huddled around Angelina as she cried. When Hermione walked in the room, they all turned to her and glared, well, all except Ginny.

"Hey, um... 'Mione, can I talk to you?" Gin asked, separating herself from the group. Hermione nodded and both of them walked out onto the terrance.

"Whats up Gin?" Hermione asked. Ginny bit her lip.

"Um, well.... I don't want to come off rude, but I am not a part of this, it is all of them." She said, pointing a finger at all of the girls, shushing, coddle talking, and cooing to Angelina.

"Come on Gin, just say it." Hermione said with a huff. She knew what this was about, and she hoped to clear or at least smooth things over.

"Well, is it true?" Hermione turned towards her and looked her in the eyes. Worry and compassion shined in them. Hermione was a but skeptical. What is this 'true' She was inquiring about.

"Is what true?" She asked.

"You know, you cursing at Crum and then giving him a bloody nose." Ginny said, wincing at Hermione's expression.

"What!? Who told you that!?" She seethed.

"I knew this was coming. Um... well, Victor actually came with his friends and told us, or, I mean the whole house to be honest." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

Hermione shook her head in frustration. "And you actually believed this... this.... Rubbish!" She raged. She felt a fire burning in her, she felt to the point of boiling over.

"No, no! I mean... I don't know!" Ginny said, wrapping her arms around herself. "Mione, what happened? Just tell me your side of the story. Please!"

"But you said you don't know who to believe. So why should i tell you!?"

"Mione, I just want to know. I'm not gonna give up and believe his story when I haven't heard yours! It just doesn't seem like you to just do such a thing after we just talked! I know there's a reason, and I'm not going to believe it until I hear your story!"

"Oh but you did believe it!" She argued back.

"Bloody Hell Mione! You know sometimes you can be thick! The guy came in with a bloody face and a broken nose! Angelina had to fix his nose and now she is distraught and upset over the matter!"

"You know what Gin, it doesn't matter." She said and walked away. She walked back into the room, only to be stared down as if she were he who must not be named. "What are you all staring at!"

"You... you.... how could you do that to him!? You are such a jealous person!" Angelina hysterically yelled. Hermione laughed.

"How could I do that to him!? Do you know what he did to me!?" She yelled, tears threatening and stinging her eyes, but she held her ground.

"No Mione! We. Don't. Know!" Ginny spat. She was hurt by Hermione's actions and words.

"Fine! Since you want to know. He hurt me! He physically and emotionally hurt me! And the sad and crazy part is Snape witnessed it all! As I sat and cried he carried me, carried me to the infirmary to be healed!" The tears spilled from her eyes as she cried. Ginny rushed to her side and embraced her shuddering form.

All of the girls around them were shocked. They didn't know what to believe, what to think. "You know, I did hear from a Ravenclaw that they did see Snape carrying a girl." Katie said. Katie walked over to Hermione and Ginny and embraced herself in the hug too.

Lavender and soon enough, majority of the girls had came over to Hermione. "I can't believe you all believe this lousy story!" Angelina whined.

"I guess you don't know Hermione then, Ang, because she would never, ever do something like that!" Ginny said, standing up.

"Yeah" the rest of the girls said standing around her. Hermione smiled, she truly had some great friends.

costume party 🍒 snamione.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें