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He walked away from the party and made his way down the hall towards the front doors of the school

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He walked away from the party and made his way down the hall towards the front doors of the school. He was completely stupid. If he hadn't done what he did to her, she would still be his.

Yes he did actually really have feelings for her, but he guessed he expressed them in the wrong ways. He thought she wanted a serious relationship and to try and explore new things; but he was wrong.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, he kept his head down from the wind of the fall night. There was a full moon out and it was poking through the dark clouds, illuminating the school grounds just enough to let him see.

He didn't know what to do. He had gotten his nose fixed but he still felt broken. Angelina was a small fling, but she wasn't the one. She was just a quick shag and a girl to play around with when he felt like it. Plus he wanted to make Hermione mad. He wanted her to be jealous and then run back to him so they could be together again, but of course that was no longer going to happen.

He thought he had heard from Angelina that she wasn't going to show up to the party, and he sort of felt ashamed of that; was it because he would be there? He didn't know.

But then once that girl dressed as a black cat, now known to be Hermione caught everyone's attention, how could he not be interested? She was undeniably sexy in it and he couldn't help but think it was all for him, in a way to make him crawl back to her and beg for her forgiveness. But then she danced with that. . . with that. . .

He couldn't even think it. He felt like it was a real low blow. Who was he to her? Where did she run off to? And why was she back?

Kicking a rock that hit his boot, he passed the area with carriages. He knew many students were in them, getting it on. Hell, Angelina even wanted to but he told her he wasn't feeling good and made up an excuse of her to just hang with her friends anyway.

But right when he wanted to leave, his eyes rested on her rejoining the party she left hours ago.

Deciding to head back to the ship, as he began to feel an unwanted pang of anger rise in him, he walked with his head down and his hands shoved in his pockets even deeper. But little did he know someone was watching him like he had been watching her. Someone who had revenge written all over they're face. 

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