Chapter 16: Fears

Beginne am Anfang

(Pearl) There she is!

Peridot ran but Steven was right behind her.

(Pearl) There's nowhere to go! You're cornered!

Peridot started running up the wall.

(Steven) How can she do that?

(Pearl) Doesn't matter.

She threw her spear.

(Peridot) Ha! Missed!

Pearl's spear hit an injector and it fell on Peridot. It crashed onto the ground and Peridot quickly broke free from the debris. Amethyst quickly wrapped her whip around her but Peridot sends an electrical circuit to shock Amethyst but she quickly let the whip go to avoid getting shock.

Peridot began fleeing.

(Peridot) You Crystal Clods! Go ahead, wreck this place! See if I care. I already got what I needed.

(Pearl) Get back here!

Peridot used her limb enhancers to make a propeller to fly away.

(Peridot) (laughing)

Pearl and Amethyst began chasing on foot.

(Amethyst) I'm gonna bop her good!

Steven was about to go after them but Garnet placed a hand on his shoulder.

(Garnet) If Peridot's mission was to reactivate the Kindergarten, the injectors would be on. Look.

None of them were active.

(Garnet) They're not. Let's see what she was actually doing. Down here.

(Steven) She did say that she already has what she needs. We'll probably see nothing.

(Garnet) It's better to check. No harm in taking a look.

(Steven) Okay.

They went down the place they've been before to see what Peridot was doing. It was the same but with barrels scattered and some of them opened.

(Garnet) Something was going on down here.

(Steven) But theres no power. It's still destroyed from last time. What was she doing?

(Garnet) It looks like she pulled these out of the walls. Something strange.

They heard a noise. It was in a barrel. They both went to it to see what was inside it but theres no opening.

It just looks like a brown cylinder. Garnet touched it but then it started shaking.

(Steven) Somethings inside it.

It started shaking more. Then something fell off the ceiling. It was a foot with a on hand on top of it.

(Steven) What the--

He looked up and saw more of the mixed limbs together. He grabbed the one that fell and clenched his fist to poof it.

(Steven) It looks like two gem shards stuck together.

(Garnet) (gasp)

(Steven) What is it?

He noticed that more of them were coming towards them.

(Steven) I guess that's what they are. Stuck together.

(Garnet) ...

(Steven) Garnet?

The barrel exploded behind them. What came out was a monstrous corrupted fusion. It formed into a giant hand of limbs.

(Corrupted Fusion) !sU pLeH

It started crawling towards them. Steven backed away but Garnet was still standing still, frozen in fear.

(Steven) Garnet!

She was scared and shocked at the same time. The thing grabbed onto Garnet, trying get her to become one with it.

(Steven) Garnet!

Steven grabbed her by her waist and yanked her away the creature. Her visor fell off. The corrupted fusion was started crawling towards them.

(Corrupted Fusion) !sU pLeH ,eSaElP

Steven moved Garnet away from the fusion since it is triggering something in her. Steven saw the gem of the creature and thought of an idea. He ran straight towards it and avoid it's limbs as he grabbed a hold of the gem.

He pulled on it to make it poof. It pulled it out and the whole thing exploded. He held the gem that has multiple shards on it forced onto it like glue. He picked up Garnet's visor and walked to her.

(Steven) You dropped this.

She grabbed her visor and puts it on. Steven also gave her the gem he pulled out for her to bubble it. She put it in a bubble but didn't send it to the temple. She looked angry.

(Garnet) So, this is what Homeworld thinks of fusion.

(Garnet) We couldn't have known they would do this.

(Garnet) This is where they're been; all the ones we couldn't find. They've been here the whole time!

(Garnet) Rose couldn't have known.

(Garnet) This was punishment for the rebellion!

(Garnet) (voice breaking) It's not our fault.

(Steven) Garnet!

She stopped.

(Garnet) S-Steven. I--

(Amethyst) Yo. We're back.

(Pearl) Garnet, we lost Peridot. She was too fast for us.

A small tiny corrupted fusion was crawling around. Pearl picked it up.

(Pearl) What are these things?

(Garnet) Put them down!

She dropped it in fear.

(Garnet) We can't let any escape. We need to poof and bubble all of them!


Steven checked on Garnet from outside. She went outside earlier and said she need some air. Steven knew something was up since gems don't need air.

(Steven) Garnet?

She was on the porch, leaning on the railing.

(Steven) Are you all right?

(Garnet) I wish you hadn't seen that.

(Steven) It's okay.

(Garnet) It's not okay.

(Steven) Why do you say that?

(Garnet) What Homeworld did: Taking the shattered parts of fallen gems and combining them. Those gems weren't asked permission. Fusion is a choice. Those gems weren't given a choice. It isn't right! It isn't fusion!

She stopped.

(Steven) I understand. It's disturbing to see something you care about being dark and twisted. Don't let it take over.

(Garnet) It's not that simple.

(Steven) No, it's not. But that's why you have to fight back and not let it control you. You almost became one of them because you let your fear got the better of you. It's okay to be scared but don't let it choose your decisions. Trust me, I learned it the hard way.

She took everything he said into account and considered her next choice of words.

(Garnet) You're right. I shouldn't have froze like that.

End of Chapter 16

Edit: The rest of the chapter was cut off. I can't remember what I wrote so I'm just adding the end of it here.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt