Part 29

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Trigger warning: might include traces of internalized homophobia.

Sarawat was getting worried, raking a frustrated hand through his brown hair, brandishing a wide forehead and narrowed, dark eyes. He stared at the phone in his other hand, willing it to light up with an incoming call or at least a notification from his willy-nilly boyfriend. Tine was still not back home yet and it was making Sarawat anxious. Where the fuck was he?

Sarawat flopped backwards, throwing his head on the backrest of the couch, one leg bouncing agitatedly. With all the weird things happening he did not want Tine going out of range on him. What if something happened? How would Sarawat get any news about that? He was probably not even on Tine's emergency contact list. Yet.

The phone suddenly vibrated in his hand and Sarawat's lips twisted downward when he saw that it was Green. He felt an eerie premonition choking him slightly as he swiped to reply.

"-wat! Tine's at the hospital," Green cried out in static and all blood drained from Sarawat's face instantly, leaving him numb with shock as he jolted up to his feet. "You need to come, I-" the other man choked on a sob, sniffing obnoxiously into musician's ear.

"Shit. What happened?!" Sarawat demanded over the line, trying to make the other man just spit it out already but Green only kept on sobbing. "Which. Hospital. Is he at?" Sarawat tried again, speaking deliberately slow, jaws clenched. He fucking did not have the time for Green's stupid dramatics.

Sarawat exhaled harshly, trying to calm himself down, nothing good would come out of him rushing off heedlessly into this. Still, he jammed his feet in a pair of Vans quickly and shrugged messily into a denim jacked before heading out the door, slamming it shut with jerky movements. His patience was running thin, having to deal with Green, waiting for him to calm down and fucking spill what had happened to Sarawat's lover.

Tine had to be fine. Shit. Sarawat would do anything to have him safe. Please.


Tine raised his hands in a cheerleading position that looked like the letter V, stifling a yawn. He was bored out of his mind, they had been practicing the same move for more than half an hour by now and his arms were staring to ache, the gravity dragging them down. He squeezed his eyes shut for a second and tried to disconnect from the tedious task at hand, zooning out for a bit.

His thoughts had been preoccupied with one certain stoic boy recently, as Tine could not get that drunken kiss with Sarawat off his mind. Every time he was with the other boy his eyes betrayed him and strayed to those stunning, bow shaped lips. He had tried to think of all the possible reasons why he could not tear his eyes from the sultry view of Sarawat's features. But Sarawat never mentioned about their stolen moment, by now most likely forgotten and buried in his drunken memories. Tine was conflicted and it made him feel cheated for some stupid reason. So this kept nagging at him, eating him alive and even more so now, as they were tentatively weaving their way into a delicate friendship.

The thing was that Tine had never looked twice at a guy before, but Sarawat was making his straight thoughts break into shambles. It confused Tine that the slight tingling when he was around Sarawat was still present even after they had ended their fake dating. He had even felt jealous when the other boy was being affectionate with girls. And that was something totally new and eye opening for Tine, taking a while to process. He was certainly confused underneath it all but at the same time he kind of wanted to give it a foolish try. His self exploration would certainly not hurt anyone. Right?

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