Part 4

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Sarawat was sitting in the dressing room, getting his hair styled when Boss paraded into the brightly lit space filled with clothes and styling products, giggling at something on his phone.

"Have you seen this?" He asked gleefully and tapped his phone on the other's shoulder, handing it over. Sarawat carefully took the device, mindful of the female hairdresser that was still going at his hair and looked down at the discussion thread that was open on the screen. His scowl deepened.

"What the hell is this?" He said passive aggressively as he scrolled intensely through the discussion on his fan page.

There was a huge speculative post discerning all the obvious signs of him and Tine being married since university, with a big grainy picture of them holding hands at the Scrubb showcase and some of the stupid posts from Sawarat's old instagram account. There were even recent pictures of Tine, which were obviously taken without his consent. Sarawat's grip on the phone intensified, his knuckles going white from the sheer force of it. No one had the right to drag Tine into these nasty speculations. If any of his fans as much as breathed the wrong way at Tine -

"Whoa, man," Boss said, interrupting his train of thought and patted his tense shoulder. "Calm down, it's just a bunch of girls having fun. What do they call it, ships?"

Sarawat gave him an unimpressed look and the female hairdresser tried to stifle a laugh. He side eyed her as well. What, she too? Annoyed he threw the phone back at Boss, who had to do an acrobatic endeavor to catch it.

"So where should I book your and Tine's honeymoon?" The other man mocked, tapping away on the phone, well on his way searching the web for best places for a destination wedding and how to plan a honeymoon, but clamped up when he saw the dark expression clouding Sarawat's face.

The musician sighed and rubbed at his eyes, slapping away the hairdresser's hands when she tried to discretely lift his head back upright to continue her work. The smell of hairspray was getting to his head, not to mention the bitter taste of it on his tongue.

"This is fine now," he said in her general direction and rose from his seat in front of the mirror, stalking over to a tiny black couch in the corner of the room, which left the woman only with one option of quietly packing her things and leave. Oh well.

"I shouldn't have gotten in touch with Tine again," Sarawat muttered into his big hands, resting his elbows on his jeans clad knees. "I should just leave him alone now, before it blows up."

"Well you can't, not if you want something to happen between you two," Boss said with his hands on his hips. Sarawat just lifted his brows condescendingly under his coma styled fringe, looking up at the other man.

"Since when are you a relationship guru?"

"Wat, come on, man," Boss whined as he plopped down dramatically next to Sarawat, throwing an arm on the backrest. "You need to step up your game, I can't handle your butthurt attitude anymore." Boss seemed to be on a roll. "You either seriously hit on him or just let it go. This is tiring everyone out and affecting your work."

"I didn't know there were other people involved in mine and Tine's relationship," Sarawat said tiredly and leaned back, sprawling his legs out.

It was not Sarawat's fault that Tine was so infuriatingly dense. He had flat out tried everything to get the other man to understand how he felt about him, but every excruciating effort on his part had somehow always ended up perceived as a joke or a drunken stupor. Tine was a man of many convenient excuses. What a nuisance. Sarawat sighed. He did not think that his self confidence could take any more bruises.

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