Part 7

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Sarawat found Tine standing in the break room, balancing a bunch of snacks in his embrace while cheerily taking to a fit guy in ripped jeans and a band logo T-shirt. He laughed, showing off his pearly whites. Sarawat felt a shadow come over his face. What was that idiot doing?

He stomped over, the fringe on his leather jacked splaying around, just as the other guy waved goodbye and walked off down the hall, slipping in a pair of ear buds in his ears.

"What're you doing?" Sarawat asked, tone carefully neutral. His eyes raking along Tine's frame as he tried to downplay his excitement at the other bubbly man being present.

Tine was wearing skintight, white jeans that elongated his pretty legs and a plum colored turtleneck that brought out the fairness of his skin. He looked hot and Sarawat had a hard time tearing his dark gaze off of his lean frame.

"Hey to you too," Tine mocked and unloaded some of the snacks onto him, exhaling noisily as if it had been a burden to hold all of those bags mostly full of air. "Here, these are the snacks from your fans. That guy was helping me to pick them up." He then pointed with his foot to the sorry excuse of a flimsy bag on the floor that had a big hole in it. Sarawat inclined his fine brows. Was he wearing leather slippers?

"How'd you get them?"

"Boss asked me to collect the snacks at the reception since I was just loitering around," Tine shrugged, "waiting for you." He looked over his shoulder, in the direction where the other guy went. "Who was that? He was nice," Tine commented offhandedly.

"Just a drummer in an band." Tine's bright gaze turned to him, listening intently. "You wouldn't know them anyway," Sarawat added. Tine's face lit up with a playful smile, eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, your agency was pretty hard to find, didn't know they recorded music in this dingy part of the city."

Sarawat just nodded. It was kind of true, the agency had come out with a couple of pretty successful bands and solo artists, but it was still an indie label and they wanted to maintain their non mainstream culture by preserving the business where it had once began, in a district that was known for shady business and anything but less legal bars. That explanation did not sound fully reasonable to Sarawat, if he had to be honest.

"How'd you get the address anyway?"

"Oh, Boss gave me his business card." Sarawat glanced imploringly at the other. "You know, when he came out to hang with the gang on Saturday?" Tine elaborated but trailed off when noticing Sarawat's clouded expression, fidgeting slightly under the intense gaze.

Boss, that traitor, he should have brought Sarawat with him to see Tine as well. Sarawat was starting to believe that his manager was plotting things behind his back. What the actual fuck.

"So, can I have these?" Tine glanced at the snacks in his own arms.

"No," Sarawat said petulantly, grabbing the rest of the crinkling bags from Tine and unceremoniously deposited them on the snack counter in the break room. "Let's go," he said then and dragged Tine by his bicep through the hall, down to the grungy lobby and out on to the street. Sneakily coping a feel of the other's solid arms.

"Wat," Tine hissed, stopping suddenly. "Shouldn't you, you know wear a disguise or something." He waved a hand in front of his face own face, mimicking a mask.

"Oh," the other man said stupefied. His brain had stopped working properly as soon as he had laid his eyes on Tine back in the break room.

"Oh? What do you mean oh?" Tine scolded and dragged him back inside the building, just in time as the interviewing crew was leaving. The female interviewer glanced at them and had to do a double take.

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