U.A. Sports Festival Part 2

Start from the beginning

In the outskirts of the city, we see Ariane teleporting around and eliminating players using dual Karambits, all she needs to do is touch the suit of an opponent and their suit turns red.

In the outskirts of the city, we see Ariane teleporting around and eliminating players using dual Karambits, all she needs to do is touch the suit of an opponent and their suit turns red

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Her sidearm is a Silenced Desert Eagle 357.

She doesn't like to use guns since she isn't a good shot and prefers to use melee weapons, pair that up with teleportation and you got an unstoppable force, but she still had to use it so it's for when she is in a pinch

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She doesn't like to use guns since she isn't a good shot and prefers to use melee weapons, pair that up with teleportation and you got an unstoppable force, but she still had to use it so it's for when she is in a pinch.

As she travels around the city, eliminating players here and there, she comes across a specific dual haired player who seemed to be agitated.

As she comes closer to make the kill, she is discovered and is sent a trail of ice to freeze her in place but she teleports last minute to escape. She goes into hiding and camoflauges into the rubble to wait and see if she has an opening.

She soon recognizes the player to be Shoto and told Sho to help her. *BOOM*

She comes out riding Sho, pistol in hand. As soon as she comes out of hiding gun blazing, Shoto fires his weapon while sending Ice to Ariane which she either shot or deflected them while Sho burns the ice sent to them.

She got pretty close to him before Shoto sent a glacier of ice which made her go flying, but landed safely back on the ground thanks to Sho.

Shoto was finally going to shoot her when a veil of wind lifted her up saving Ariane from the pellets. Shoto tries to find the person responsible only to Gavin flying above his glacier he sent to Ariane earlier. "Don't you know it's not polite for Gentlemen to hurt ladies right?" He turned the glacier below him into spears of Ice and sent them to him.

In a moment of desperation, Shoto activated his fire side to shield himself from the incoming spears and to also destroy some of them. He gets agitated by this and tries to retaliate, but gets interrupted when the remaining 50 of the players start dashing into the city. He readies his weapon and his quirk but everyone suddenly quiets down.


Their heads turn to the north side of the city and see something that shake every cell in their frame.

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