Chapter 12

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"How do you expect us to fight our way out with no weapons?" Thomas' pain in the arse voice blows through my headache. "There's only three of us."

Count to ten, Theo, count to ten. He doesn't deserve a fist to the face.

Cara, being helpful for the first time ever, speaks up. "Why don't we break the chair and use the wood." She shrugs, pointing at the wooden chair, then picks up the broken iPad, pulling out pieces of glass. "We could use this too."

"Yeah, nice one," I nod, ignoring her pleased look at my approval.

I can only see Kerr, his face being splattered all over the fucking walls.

With a pointed, broken chair leg and a shard of glass wrapped in material from my top, we make our way through the corridors. I lost count of how many guards I stabbed in the neck, a concoction of people's blood squirting over my face.

Still no fucking Kerr.

I wasn't out for blood, just an escape. But if I run into Kerr he'll wish he never lay eyes on my fucking girl.

I used my shoulder to shove through a door, seeing monitors set up, paperwork stacked up along a table.

"Is that not the tunnel we were at last week, Theo?" Thomas points to one of the screens.

Last week, we found a tunnel that ran under the factory, it's below us. When we noticed it was freshly concreted we started to hit it with everything we had, failing miserably.

I think I threatened to kick the shit out of Thomas the whole fucking time.

"Your dad knew about it? Why is he still here then?" Cara asked from behind, placing a hand on my shoulder to look and I knocked it off.

"Maybe he doesn't want to leave." Thomas shrugged, picking up a piece of paper. "There are instructions here to blow it with..." He turns to find a large box, walking over and cracking it open. "...explosives." He whispered, staring down at the contents.

"Really?" I push Cara out the way and go look, inhaling deeply when I see three rectangular boxes full of wires, a remote with a button in the middle.

I lift a camouflage bag from under the desk and threw it at Cara. "Put these in this and put it on."

She did without any moaning, thank fuck. Thomas folded the paper into his pocket before I can look, telling me he'll deal with it when we get there.

We stopped at the bottom of a spiral staircase, looking up to see a crowd of guards with guns. Thomas and I painted crimson, while Cara stood behind us, clean, bored and inspecting the place like we're on a damn field trip.

"We need to find another way," Thomas whispered, trying to pull the back of my top. There is no other fucking way, we've circled this floor enough times.

"Cara, if you fuck about and don't even try to help I'll leave you behind, got it?" I point the sharp end of the chair leg at her. "I won't risk my life for you."

"Charming," she rolls her eyes, placing her hand on her hip. "Can you stop being a dick to me for one day?"


But she does have enough explosives on her to wipe us all out.

Turning, I slowly make my way up the stairway, not stopping to think before I stab one of them in the foot and grab their falling gun, spraying bullets above us.

We barge our way up, tackling the remaining guards to the ground and finishing them off. Cara has one on top of her and I watch for a few seconds before huffing, penetrating the wanker's skull with her dropped glass.

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