Ch. 15 - Family Approval

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"Catering, right?"

You nodded and he mirrored the action, glancing at the artwork on the wall. You quickly took him upstairs and showed him the spare bedrooms.

"It's really not much," you told him as you turned down the hall again. "And this is...the master."

Jungkook glanced around as he'd done in all the previous rooms. "So, how are you?"


"How are you?" he asked again, sitting down on the bed. "With the whole marriage, the Mins, the company, everything."

You were silent for a few seconds. "It's fine. Obviously, it's not ideal for either of us. But there's nothing to do about it now and it's been nice having someone else to deal with this arrangement and work through it together," you answered honestly.

Jungkook smiled. "That's good. I was worried that you two might end up hating each other after being forced into this." He glanced towards the door. "I know that we're not close, but you are family now, and I would do anything to help my cousin. That includes his wife. So, here."

He handed you a card.

"What is this?"

"My business card. My cell number is on the back. If you ever need anything, a friend at one of our events, some extra money, someone to talk business, or anything else, please reach out to me."

"You don't want to give this to Yoongi?"

He chuckled. "He already has one, but he won't accept help unless it's life or death. I'm hoping you'll reach out before it gets that serious."

"Thank you, Jungkook. Really."

"Sure. I would have offered it sooner, but I wanted to make sure you were getting along first."

"We're...getting there," you admitted. "We've still got a way to go."

"As long as you're trying, that's good enough for me." He leaned back on his hands. "Now, what kind of PDA are you two going to be doing at this dinner?"

You opened your mouth to respond but Yoongi beat you to it.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to, Jeon."

You glanced at the door to see him standing in the doorway, fresh clothes put on and a towel around his neck for his damp hair. He must have taken a short shower.

"I was only asking," Jungkook replied with a smirk. "I've known you to be handsy with some of your other dates before."

He scoffed. "Fat chance of that between both our sets of parents being there."

The younger boy turned back to you. "Oh yeah, what are your parents like?" 

"They're awful," Yoongi groaned. "They do that thing where they act like they're being polite but they're making snide comments at the same time."

"Hey!" you exclaimed. "If we're talking about being rude, your parents have mine beat."

"Yeah, but at least mine are upfront about it."

Jungkook watched the two of you bicker with a grin. He'd had his doubts about this whole thing when Yoongi told him about it. During the wedding you hadn't seemed very keen on the idea yourself. He couldn't blame you under the circumstances, but between that and Yoongi's temper, it seemed doomed to fail. 

But maybe he'd been wrong after all. 

Jungkook ended up staying for the night. Yoongi was all too eager to pick up where they'd left off when they'd last seen each other. 

That was when you could tell their fathers' competitiveness had reached a new level with them. They might not compete over status or money, but everything else was pretty much up for grabs. Video games, chugging drinks, card games, wrestling, eating the most or taking the biggest bites of food were all tested that night.

They even played a game to decide what to eat for dinner. You were content to watch, seeing a competitive side of Yoongi that you'd only ever noticed with Jin present before. It was nice to know he got along so well with at least one member of his family.

It was late by the time you decided to go to bed. They promised to be quiet but even on the second floor, you could hear them screaming at each other about the other cheating at whatever they were playing now.

You weren't sure when you woke up, but it was because Yoongi awkwardly stumbled into the room and slammed his leg against the door.

"Yoongi?" you mumbled as he cursed at himself. "What are you doing?"

"Sleeping with you."

It took a few seconds for your sleep muddled brain to catch up. "What, did Jungkook dare you to come up here?"

"No," he grumbled. "I just thought...look, we're married, right? And I asked you about it before, then you offered last night and it's cold downstairs--"

You barely stifled a yawn. "Sure, fine, come and sleep. Just stay on that side of the bed."

He hesitated a few more seconds to see if you'd change your mind. When you didn't, he made his way over to the empty side and climbed in next to you. He was surprised to find you'd already fallen back asleep. 

Yoongi smiled before making himself comfortable. "Good night."

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