“I’ll drop you both off first and then try to find a parking spot.” Wes assured us as he pulled up to the event. I opened the door and stepped out my eyes were blinded with flashes as the paps captured pictures of Natalie and I. We made our way to the door of the gallery and a bouncer stopped us.

 “Names?” He looked down at us.

“Katherine Daily.” I motioned over to Natalie. “This is one of my plus ones.”

“Yep got you.” He opened the door for us and I told him Wes Pearson would be joining us soon. The gallery was packed with important looking people and beautiful art. It was a maze of different rooms full of different types of paintings, all Zayn’s. A man in a nice suit and a tray offered us champagne and we took some without question. I noticed many waiters were walking around with hor duorves and drinks. Natalie and I just stood in the middle of the venue extremely out of our element.

“Should we walk around?” I asked not knowing what to do.

“I think I am going to wait for Wes. You should look for Zayn.” She grinned at me and rubbed my shoulder. I nodded and took a deep breath as I turned to the crowd behind me. The gallery was a big square of rooms. I began my search on the left side as I walked into the spacious room that was dimmed with only the light illuminating the paintings. This room was all the musical paintings I had witnessed him doing. I looked at all the small plaques and noticed how each song changed the different ways the paintings flowed. It was a genius idea. I smiled when I reached the Uptown Funk painting thinking back to Zayn dancing crazily in his living room.

“Ah memories.” I heard someone say behind me and instantly my smile grew larger.

“Why hello stranger.” I smirked at him. He looked damn good. His stubble had grown out a little bit making him look older and more rough. It was hot. It was really hot. He had on dark jeans and beat up combat boots and was probably very under dressed for his own art opening. His simple white shirt and green plaid shirt brought out the lightness in his deep brown eyes. “Am I over dressed?” I jokingly flirted looking at his appearance.

 “No you look beautiful I just despise suits. They are restricting.” I laughed at him.

“You’re in an art gallery? Most of them have rules that allow many restictions?” I couldn’t help but smile like a little girl when I was around him.

“Exactly, but maybe I want to jump or run in my art gallery!” He said as he jumped up and tried to do the splits but failed miserable. He almost fell until I gripped his arm with one hand and helped steady him. When I looked up I realized our faces were much closer then most would be comfortable with. We shared the same shocked expression as we stared into each other’s eyes.

 “Don’t try that at home kids!” he laughed loud enough for the shocked people around him to hear. I just shook my head in laughter. “Damn why are people so uptight in an art gallery?” He whispered into my ear as he took my arm to lead me to a different room.

 “Oh I don’t know? It’s not like there is paintings in here that are worth millions!” I sarcastically said as I nudged him with my elbow. He smiled down at me in a flirtatious way.

 “They aren’t worth millions!” He argued his face had a playful smirk. “Only like hundreds of thousands.” He gave me a toothless smile as we stepped into the next room. It was filled with brick walls that had spray painted creations on them.

 “My specialty is spray paint.” He explained.

“I love it.” I was in shock at the detail he got within the piece. I held my hand out to touch it but stopped when I remembered that probably wasn’t the appropriate gesture.

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