• Chapter 15 •

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(a/n) There's like one person who's reading every chapter so shoutout to you, thank you lollll

We weren't far from the starkiller base, Mando and I had just been catching up. I told him more about what happened to me.

"Mando? Can I just say Thank you for rescuing, bringing me to the starkiller base and for being so understanding. I realise this isn't exactly easy and you probably have somewhere to be or somewhere to go." I said realising how much trouble I was putting him through.

"Hey kid, It's no problem. It's nice to have some company anyway plus I realise how conflicting your situation is but I trust you'll do what's right for you. One thing though shouldn't you tell Ren how you feel?" Mando asked.

"I don't know, I wouldn't want to make a complete fool of myself. I mean sometimes it seems like he's flirting with me but most of the time he's just really hard to read." I replied.

"Maybe you could just ask him how he feels, sounds simple to me"

"I wish it was simple..."

It didn't feel like a long journey because we were laughing and joking the rest of the way there. It was so nice to see him again. We would always have so much fun together. I still don't think I could've thanked him enough for this. We arrived and were staring at the enormous starkiller base.

"So what's the plan?"

"See where those TIE fighters are entering, we can go in there." I said pointing.

"Oh great, your plan is to just fly in. Newsflash, they're not just going to let us in!" Mando replies sarcastically.

"Just do it Mando!" I shouted.

"Fine fine...I trust you (Y/n)" He replied.

We got in line with a few of the TIE fighters entering the hangar. We eventually got to the front, the door immediately closed and a voice came from the com system.

"Who is this? Why are you here? What business do you have here?" Said the voice.

I hope this works.

"This is Commander Ren's Apprentice, (Y/n). If you need conformation LK-2405 could vouch for me." I said trying to sound confident.

There was no response for a moment...

"(Y/n), sir! I'm very sorry, come right in" The door opened back up.

"Thank you" I replied.

"Huh nice..." Mando said.

"Yeah i'm kinda of a big deal here" I joked.

"Yeah, you got lucky." He replied.

We flew into the hangar and landed. I was a bit of a mess in my dirty ripped robes but it'd be fine. I was greeted by Hux when I got off the ship, Mando was a little behind me.

Hux turned to one of the men behind him and said "Inform Commander Ren of (Y/n)'s arrival"

The Man turned and walked away quickly, I wonder if Kylo is here of if he's still on Droch.

"(Y/n). You're back? Why would you just come back? You have been a real inconvenience." Hux said in his usual snippy tone. "Who's this?!" He said looking the shiny Maldorian up and down.

"He's used to be my friend-"

Mando just had to say something, "Used to be!?"

I elbowed him so he would realise what I was doing and play along. I think he did catch on to what I was doing because he said,

"Oh- Yeah used to be." Mando said.

Hux raised an eyebrow and looked at both of us in disbelief.

"Like I was going to say, Mando was the one who found me and brought me back here. He could've of easily let me go back to the resistance but he's probably expecting a reward or something. He always did care more about money than anything else." I lied, hoping it was believable enough.

"Yeah i'll be expecting something, and by the amount of stormtroopers thy we're looking for her, i'd expect that something to be big" Mando said pushing me forward.

Hux sighed, "We'll see what we could do." He turned around to the men behind him and gave orders to one of the troopers. "SD-9621 bring (Y/n) to her quarters and make sure her room is being guarded."

One of the stormtroopers walked over and grabbed my arm and pulled me to start walking. I turned around Mando and mouthed,

"Goodbye and thank you" I was sort of disappointed that we didn't get a proper goodbye but I had to do that otherwise Hux would be suspicious. He already doesn't like me, so it would've just made things worse.

Mando nodded and I turned around and continued walking. There's no harm in going to my room for a while. I'll be able to get cleaned up and get changed. Kylo won't be back for a while because I presume he's on Droch since I can't feel his presence. I walked just in front of the stormtrooper down the huge halls of the starkiller base. It felt weird, well nice I guess, almost like being home. I had been on the starkiller base for so long, that probably why it felt like home.

We finally arrived at the my room. The stormtrooper who was with me left because Katia was at the door. I walked over to her and before I could say Hello she said,

"Miss (Y/n)! It's great to have you back." There was actually a small tone of excitement in her voice, which was new. She always spoke in a monotone sort of robot voice.

"It's nice to be back. Nice to see you Katia." I nodded and walked into my room.

The first thing I did was plop down on my bed, sure it wasn't the most comfortable but it was definitely better than last night. I laid there for probably ten minutes just relaxing. I finally decided to get up and have a shower. I looked in the mirror and all my bruises from my injuries were mostly gone.

After my shower I dried my hair and tied it back. I got into some comfy clothes, sweatpants and a t-shirt. It was nice being here because I knew there was no way Z could get me. I thought about how long i'd been staying here on the starkiller base. It's probably been about like what two months at this stage. The resistance had probably definitely forgot about me now. I still want to go back though. I just wish Kylo...well Ben would come with me.

It was still pretty early but after everything i'd been through I fell asleep on my bed.

All of a sudden I woke and sat up really fast. I looked at the time and it had only been around an hour. I very soon realised why I had woken up. I felt his presence close by, Kylo was back. I don't think I had ever gotten out of bed so fast. I put my shoes on and opened the door.

"Miss (Y/n), Commander Ren has just arrived." Katia said "I can bring you to the hangar if you'd like-"

"No no it's fine, I know where i'm going!" I said going straight past her. I practically ran to the hangar. The door of the Finalizer opened and he was standing there. I could feel him staring at me despite the fact he had his mask on.

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