• Chapter 2 •

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~Third Person P.O.V.~
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

The resistance base on D'Qar was under attack. The First Order had found the location of the base and was attacking from the ground and the sky. (Y/n), one of the resistance's best pilots was resisting the TIE fighters, when her X-wing was shot out of the sky by a TIE pilot.

Meanwhile Rey was on the ground fighting off Stormtroopers. (Y/n)'s plane spiralled out of the sky and crashed. However (Y/n) had survived. Kylo Ren was there to kill Rey and get rid of her once and for all. Kylo was making his way to Rey with his red lightsaber in hand, Rey was distracted and still hadn't seen Ren. (Y/n), pulling herself out from the wreckage of the X-wing had noticed what was about to go down between Rey and Kylo Ren.

(Y/n), despite her injuries, grabbed her blaster and charged towards Kylo desperately trying to land a hit on him. He was deflecting every single blast using his saber and the force. As (Y/n) got closer and closer to Kylo Ren, she was unsure of what to do because she couldn't handle hand to hand combat with him, her only weapon was a blaster. She hesitated for a moment.

In the split second that (Y/n) had hesitated, Ren stopped. He had felt something within her, the force. Kylo had realised that this girl wasn't just a Pilot, she was extremely force sensitive. As (Y/n) came right up close to Kylo, he had an idea and with the wave of his hand, using the forced he had knocked her out. Ren caught (Y/n) before she fell with one quick swift movement, he carried her to the Finaliser when  Rey turned around to see (Y/n) being taken. Ren called his men to retreat but before Rey could reach (Y/n), they were gone.

The resistance would've have tried to rescue (Y/n) immediately but they were unable. They had to treat all the casualties and get everything fixed up before they could even think about trying to rescue (Y/n). Kylo had taken (Y/n) to the Starkiller base.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V.~
I had woken up in some sort of interrogation room, in a chair that had my arms and legs restrained. I was so confused for a moment that I hadn't even noticed Kylo Ren, who was sitting down by the door. Wearing his mask and long black clothes, he stood up and faced me. He looked very menacing and....tall.

"Your awake" Ren said in a robotic tone, walking in front of me.

"Yeah i'm awake, where am I and why did you take me?" I replied, trying to sound strong, though the injury to my arm from crash was still entirely painful.

"You're on the Starkiller base and-"

I cut him off, "Sorry its hard to hear you with the whole face thing, you're always hiding behind it like a coward" I mocked.

Without hesitation he put his gloved hands on his mask, which made a clicking sound and took it off. He didn't in any way look how I expected him to look. I for some reason expected his face to match him as a person, a murderer. He certainly didn't look like a monster, but from all i've seen and mostly from the stories i've heard, he definitely is one.

"I'm in no way a coward, now if you'll let me explain I-" his voice wasn't as robotic but still cold.

I cut him off again without thinking, surprising myself. This man was scary as hell and could kill me very easily but I for some reason had the good idea to cut him off again. "If it's information you want, don't think for a second that I would give you anything" I sneered.

He came really close and almost whispering in my ear, "Information is not what I want, but if it was, you know I can take whatever I want."

His voice sent shivers down my spine but I tried not to show it didn't. That was weird. I thought to myself.

"(Y/n), isn't it? Before you cut me off again I will ask you a simple question. Will you become my apprentice?" He asked, though it seemed more like a demand.

"What?! Why would you want ME to be your apprentice?" I questioned, almost shouting. I was so confused. "I am a pilot from your enemy's team, and I don't really plan on becoming a Jedi or a Sith"

"Yes, but you are powerful. I'm surprised Rey or Leia haven't trained you the ways of the force by now, foolish of them. You are extremely force sensitive."

"You're asking a lot of me here." I said just to buy myself a second to think.

I don't know what he said because I was thinking but I had decided to agree, not because I wanted to be his apprentice but because I knew that if I stayed I could gather information on the first order for the resistance. I don't know how i'm going to last here as Ren's apprentice but hoped the resistance would try to rescue me soon.

"Do you know what? I'll do it." I said, once again interrupting whatever Kylo was saying.

"Good. I'm glad you agreed. First lesson, never interrupt your superiors again."

"Right then. Well are you going to let me out of this weird restraint thing or what, Kylo?" I questioned. I was getting really uncomfortable and my injured arm was getting really sore.My arm is so sore.

"You will refer to me as Master Ren from now on." He looked at my arm, which was weird because I didn't mention my arm, I only thought about it. "I will bring you to the the medical droids to get your arm bandaged".

"How did you kno-" I was about to ask when he removed the restraints using the force.

"Let's go." He said placing his mask back on.

(a/n) idk if this is going too fast or slow but i'm trying lol.

To Make Amends • Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora