• Chapter 7 •

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It's a been about a week since Kylo Ren took me and I became his apprentice. We have trained every. single. day. since. It's really hard and tiring. I didn't think i'd be here for this long. Everything with Kylo is weird, ever since I called him Ben it's like he's even more conflicted and I don't know what about. Some days he's actually really nice to me and it feels like he might even like me...or something but then other days he acts like i'm the lowest of the low, he's cold and mean.

I was training early in the morning like every other day, Kylo and I were sparring. There was something really off about him, more so than his usual cold and mean days. I was actually getting quite good at using the lightsaber and even the force for that matter, sometimes I'd even get the high ground over Kylo.

He swung his lightsaber at me, I ducked underneath it and briskly moved behind him. I really quickly stood up kicked the back of his knee and he fell to the ground.

"Hah! got you" I exclaimed.

There was no response, he was on the ground with his back turned to me so I couldn't see his face but I could feel the anger rising in him. I didn't know what to do, I froze completely, this was going to be one of the temper tantrums he throws. His hands clenched and formed into fists, he was breathing heavily. He lifted his hand and suddenly threw me across the room using the force.

I landed on my back. Everything hurt, I'm not too bad at dealing with pain these days but this was really unbearable. I sat up and almost shrieked with the pain, but I didn't. Kylo stood up and looked over at me. I think it was just then that he realised what he had done. He turned off his saber and rushed over to me. He leaned over to try and help me up but I instinctively pulled away. I mean could you blame me, he just threw me across the room.

He stopped, his brows furrowed and he let out a sigh.

"Can I?" He asked leaning over again.

I was obviously apprehensive after what had just happened but I realised very quickly that if he didn't help me I'd be stuck on this floor for a long time. I took his hand and tried to stand up but as soon as I got to my feet the pain was too much. I almost fell back down but Kylo caught me before I hit the ground.

"It would be much easier if I carried you..." He looked at me, with an unreadable facial expression.

I couldn't even tell if he was sorry.

"Fine..." I replied coldly.

He picked me up bridal style and I was wincing with the pain. I started to feel really lightheaded and as Kylo was walking towards the door with me in his arms when I blacked out.

To Make Amends • Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo x reader Where stories live. Discover now