• Chapter 11 •

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We got into the city and we're walking down an absolutely chaotic street. There were so many people and so many things going on. It was so hard to see where I was going. I was trying to keep up with Kylo who was walking really really quickly.

Then I couldn't see him or the stormtroopers I had gotten completely lost in the crowd. I was looking around and couldn't even remember which way they went or which way we came from. I started to panic when all of a sudden someone grabbed me.

I didn't even have time to react and something was put over my head so I wasn't able to see anything. I felt my hands being cuffed and I knew exactly who was taking me . I could hear the voices of Z's henchmen, Queri and Linrav their voices are very distinct and unique. This is exactly why I didn't want to come here. They put me in some sort of vehicle.

"Guys, a bag on my head, really? I thought we were friends. There's no point in the bag let's be honest. I know exactly where we're going" I said, my voice slightly muffled from the bag.

"Queri, what do you think?"

"Of course we're not taking the bag off!" Queri replied. She was the smarter of the two.

"Oh come on Queri what am I going to do escape using my eyes?! Right Linrav?" I said knowing she would give in at some point.

"Uh...She has a point" He replied.

"Ugh fine take the stupid bag off her head!" Queri sneered.

"Oh hey guys, great to see you too again." I said sarcastically. "So any news?".

"Hey (Y/n) good to see you too, no news, how about you?" Linrav smiled.

He wasn't a bad guy, we actually got on well years ago. I always felt sort of bad for him. Queri was always kind of mean to him.

"Oh shut up Linrav! Z will be pleased to know we finally have you, foolish of you to return to Droch (Y/n)" Queri said laughing. She was the one Piloting the little ship we were on.

We flew all the way out of the city and to Z's place. It's huge but pretty hidden in all the trees. I didn't even know it was there until I started to work for him. We landed and the two brought me out of the ship and into the room Z's usually in. They were holding onto my arms which were still cuffed behind my back. Linrav opened the door to the large fancy room and there he was, sitting in his huge chair behind his desk as though it was a throne. I always hated that about Z, his massively oversized ego. He loved himself too much.

Queri pushed me forward and onto the ground. I was staring up at Z.

"(Y/n) How wonderful it is for us to meet once again." He said playing with his gold chain that he always wore around his neck.

"Zeak Vendlar...I didn't think i'd ever have to see you again." I laughed.

"You're a very hard person to find (Y/n). What were the chances you'd fall right back here on Droch?" He smiled with his sharp pointy teeth.

"To be honest, I just thought you might be dead by now." I scoffed.

"Well here I am." He said putting his arms out. "You owe me a lot of credits (Y/n)".

"Seriously, that was years ago Z. Is this really why you took me?" I replied. I knew this is what it would be about, it was A LOT of credits.

"Yes...why else?" He said standing up and walking towards me.

"I just thought maybe you'd like a visit." I said sarcastically.

"If I were you, i'd watch pretty little mouth of yours." He said bending down to me because I was still on the floor.

"So, business. Give me my credits!" He shouted.

"That's hardly business, that's just demanding." I replied. "I don't have  that kind of money Z. You would know that."

"Well if you're not going to pay me back...killing you would be fun." He said lifting my chin with his finger. "Unfortunately I have some business to attend for a few days. At least i'll have something to look forward to when I get back." He laughed sadistically.

He gestured for Queri and Linrav to take me to my prison cell. We walked down one of his massive hallways and down some stairs to a dark dingy room with a good few cells. The place was only lit by small windows in each cell and one tiny light. Queri took the cuffs off my hands and threw me into one of the small cells.

I knew Z was not bluffing when he was talking about killing me, he was absolutely crazy. I stood up and brushed myself off. I looked up to see someone sitting on the metal bed.

"Heyo" Said the person in front of me. "The names Una! and you are?" She said shaking my hand.

"Uh Hi, it's (Y/n)" I said giving a small smile. "So why are you here?" I said sitting on the metal bed at my side of the cell.

"Well i'm going to be honest, i'm not a great person. I steal and lie, I presume you know something of that seeing as you're here too. I just stole from the wrong person this time, Mr. Z himself. I've been here for over a week now but ah sure, what can you do?" She said talking quite fast.

"Huh, you seem pretty nice for a thief." I answered.

Still in my mind all I could think about was how in the world I was going to get out of here or even if I would get out of here. I shouldn't have come back to Droch.

"What can I say i'm charismatic, you have to be when you're a thief like." She gave a cheesy smile. "So darling, why are you here then?" Una said leaning back against the wall and crossing her arms.

"Well..." I didn't know if I should tell her or not.

"Well?" She looked interested.

I guess it couldn't hurt to get it off my chest before Zeak kills me. There's no way i'm getting out of here unless Kylo actually decides to come look for me.

To Make Amends • Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo x reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя