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"Well at least we know your hair is dyed rather than it being a wig," Octavia says snobbishly, her Arron cruelness showing as she smiles wickedly, letting Selene's arm go and with tears in the young maids eyes, she scurries from the room quickly to escape the clutches of cruel Octavia.

Carina is outraged and she looks at Andrea for any sign of emotion; she finds none as Andrea looks bored at the entire situation. She doesn't care. Of course not. Andrea only cares about people with power or that she can use. Carina would normally admire Andrea's ruthlessness but not now.

The queen's viper starts to coil, ready to attack. Carina turns her head to look at Octavia, her face red with anger as she sees the horrid smug smile plastered all over Octavia's face as she looks proud of what she has just done to Selene, Carina's favourite Prynn maid.

"How dare you treat Selene that way!" Carina shouts, exploding with anger which shocks the two Arrons as they both turn their heads and sharp eyes towards her.

Octavia raises her eyebrows at Carina and a sharp look immediately appears on her face as she says, "Carina, she is the help, she has no relevance. Especially since she is barely a poisoner, her father is mainland scum."

Carina's eyebrows narrow dangerously as she takes a step towards Octavia, who has the good sense to let a glimmer of fear appear on her face.

"Selene has more relevance than you," Carina snarls, "I actually like her for one thing I tolerate you because you are an Arron but heed this Octavia when I am queen and I choose who will be on the Black Council, you will certainly not be there, I might even make you the midwife at the Black Cottage, to give poor Hecate Murtra a rest." Carina sighs and then continues, a wicked smile forming on her lips, " what a good idea, Hecate on my Black Council and you as the midwife. Then at least you can be of some use to me."

It is the perfect form of torture for Octavia who loves the luxury of her family's wealth and all it has to offer. Making her have to actually learn and work would be so very entertaining. A cruel amusement for Carina.

Hecate deserves a break anyway and Carina has a fondness for the red haired midwife who was a true mother to her for her first six years. It's strange to think that Hecate is the younger sister of Pele Murtra, the Head of the Black Council.

Pele is war-gifted and fierce while Hecate is sight- gifted and calm. But Hecate deserves luxury unlike Octavia. However she would feel sorry for the next generation of triplets and Carina's not sure she would want or trust Octavia to deliver her triplets. She'd likely let Carina bleed out in spite or cut the triplets right out from her cooling body.

Octavia steps foward almost shaking with anger as she says shakily, "Carina be reasonable, I am a strong poisoner and an Arron, who you will need to help you navigate your reign."

Carina puts her hand up to silence Octavia who does so, as she secretly fears Carina now. The queen used to be sweeter, she has always had a cunning side but not as extreme and Octavia could reason with her and maintain control with more ease but in the past months she has turned into something uncontrollable and quite dangerous almost as if she has been poisoned. But Octavia shakes this silly thought away, for you cannot poison a poisoner, especially a poisoner queen. But the queen is sinister and it scares Octavia, for this wild young poisoner queen cannot be controlled.

"I will have Andrea and plenty of advisors for that," Carina says laughing at Octavia as she looks at Andrea fondly who smiles back at Carina,

"Rina, I am sure Octavia is feeling remorse for her actions, so will you not reconsider later?" Andrea asks, tilting her head at Carina to see her reaction.

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