A NEW PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!

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Requested by LilaKatelyn

It was 8 in the morning on a saturday in gravity falls, the pines family and friends  were woken up by mabel 
“EVERYONE COME HERE!!!!” she screamed 
Dipper rolled out of his bed and walked down, Stan was still asleep, ford was already in the living room. Ffion (me!)  stayed in her bed even though she was awake, her sister Lila-katelyn was down with mabel. 
“Come on ffion, grunkle Stan!” called  mabel 
A scream was heard, A few seconds later ffion came running down the stairs 
“What did you do now?” asked Lila-Kate
“I kinda used my powers to summon a water bucket and throw it on fez” she said (in this my name is ffion Cipher, sister of bill so is lila-kate) 
“Not again!” Ford and Dipper said, she laughed 
“Yep!” she said happily until she saw their faces “you can't blame me, i am a Cipher!”  she said. Seconds later stan came down 
“FFION LILY CIPHER!!!!” he screamed 
“What?” she asks innocently 
“Ok, everyone i wanted to talk to you all” mabel says 
“About what, it better be good” Ffion and Lila-kate say 
“Well…. I want another pig” she says 
“Never!” says ffion 
“Why can't she have a pig?” askes stan “waddles is a good pig” he says 
“NO!” ffion, Dipper and ford say
“Come on, waddles is cute” says lila-kate 
“No, i don't want another pig in my house!” ford says 
“Well, mabel, quick go get that pig!” yells satn 
“Grunkle stan, I DON'T WANT ANOTHER PIG TO SLEEP IN MY ROOM!” yells dipper 
“To leit!” he says 
“What are we even going to call it?” he asks 
“Umm… Gerald!” exclames Lila-kate 
“NOOOOOOOOO!” everyone minus mabel, stan and lila-kate yell  
  “Gerald it is” stan says, ffions hair and eyes go red,  
“Call the pig Gerald and I'll get Bill to come and kill it at night!” Ffion says in a demonic voice 
“Umm… lets call it bacon!” dipper says 
“Sounds good, I agree with  Pinetree just this time” she says hair and eye turning back to there original colour (BLUE) 

And that's how mabel ended up with a pig called Bacon

______________________________________Hey LilaKatelyn sorry it's short! I hope you enjoyed it tho.

gravity falls oneshots and stuffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt