bills brother

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ope you enjoy this (it's 2100 words long!)

Also requests are open. If you have have request comment here and/or dm me! 😊

It had been a week since weirdmageddon, dipper had to admit he felt something different about himself. He somehow felt more powerful. So he decided to do a bit of investigating and he found out he was a demon!

It was a surprisingly normal day in the shack, ford was in his lab, stan was scamming people and dipper and mabel were in the attic. Suddenly, Ford ran up into the shack.
"dipper!" he yelled. Dipper, who had entered the mindscape a few minutes ago, came back into his body and ran down stairs.
"Yes, grunkle Ford?" he asked. Ford didn't say anything but brought Dipper down to his lab.
"What's going on?" Dipper asked.
"I've just had a peak in demonic energy, i think Bill might be back" he said. Dipper's eyes widened, 'oh shit! That wasn't bill... that was my magic' he thought.
"Shouldn't we go and check the statue?" he asked, ford nodded
"Come on" , Ford said, and both of them went into the forest. The statue was still there, and Ford was confused.
"There's another demon!" he yelled.
"W-what?" Dipper said, "That's insane! Demons can't get into the real world unless they're human ," Dipper said.
"Where did you learn that?" Ford asked.
"Bill told me," Dipper said fastly. Ford grabbed the closest weapon he had, which happened to be the memory gun.
"Grunkle ford?" Dipper said he backed up and hit a tree.
"You're a demon," Ford said. Dipper eyes widened.
"What, no! I'm not a demon" dipper said. 'Shit! Shit! Shit!' he thought.
"Bill doesn't even know about these kinds of demons, and if he did he wouldn't just tell you" ford said "so you're a demon" he said. Dipper didn't respond for a few seconds, when he looked up his eyes were a glowing blue.
"I am," he said. Ford's eyes widened, he shot the memory gun. "Wiat!" Dipper yelled, but it was two late. The gun hit him and he fell to the floor.
"You're too dangerous to be here," Ford said. He started chanting a spell and dipper disappeared.

A few hours passed. Bill, who was stuck in the mindscape, eventually came across the unconscious dipper.
'How is pinetree in the mindscape?' he thought. Slowly he floated (he's a dorito for now) over to Dipper. 'He's unconscious' he released
"Hey kid, wake up" he said. Shaking Dipper a bit. Dipper's eyes flew open and he jumped up.
"Who are you? Where am i?" he asked. Suddenly Dipper's head started throbbing. "What happened?" he asked, he fell backwards and into a tree.
Bill realized that something was wrong and turned into his human form and walked slowly towards dipper. Dipper backed up.
"Relax kid, I'm not going to hurt you" Bill spoke softly to him. He put his hand on the dipper forehead and checked to see what had happened. Nothing. There were no memories at all. Bill's eyes widened, there was a few bits of information, like his birthday and that he was a demon, and of course his demon name.
"You're a demon?" he asked. Dipper nodded. "Come on kid" Bill said, he picked up dipper and teleported to the fearamid in the mindscape.

A few years had passed and Bill had been training Dipper, or Alcor now, in his powers. Alcor even called Bill 'dad' and Bill saw Alcor as his son, Alcor took Bill's last name.

Today was Alcor's birthday, and also his first summon.
"Can I go please?" Alcor begged Bill, "I'm 16 now!" he said.
"Fine kid, but be back soon. The henchmaniacs are coming over for your party" bill said, he ruffled alcors hair and alcor teleported to the summon.

It was a girl, about the same age as alcor. She had a pink sweater with a shooting star on it.
"It worked," she said.
"Yep, you summoned me." alcor said. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked.
"I'm Mabel, i-i want to make a deal," she said.
"A deal? What kind of deal?" alcor asked.
"I want you to find someone for me, his name is Dipper pines he's my twin." she said. 'Dipper pines? Where have I heard that name?' alcor thought. Everything was too familiar to him, so was 'mabel' and so was the forest. He just didn't know where he'd heard that name before.
"And what will I get in return?" he asked.
"What do you want?" Mabel asked. Alcor thought for a second. He knew his dad wouldn't be impressed but he wanted to explore the human world so bad.
"I get to stay with you for... a week? How does that sound?" he asked. "Next week though. Because it's my birthday today" he added.
"Really? It's mine too!" Mabel said with a huge smile on her face.
"Happy birthday" both of them said at the same time. Both of them burst into laughter.
"So I found your twin and I get to stay with you for a week" alcor clarafird. "Deal?"
"Deal," Mabel said. After they shook hands. Alcor smiled.
"Welp, it was nice making a deal with you. I better go home before my dad goes insane and starts killing people." he said "also i'll meet you here next week, Bye!" alcor said. When he returned home he told Bill all about his deal. Bill was reluctant to let him go but since the deal had already been made it was too late.

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