why does alcor keep getting kidnapped?

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It had been a few weeks since Alcor had been taken by the two scientists. Soon enough they decided to get rid of him as they knew Bill would find him. They blocked Alcor’s powers. Soon enough they contracted a friend of theirs, Ford pines. And so Ford took the child. Ford didn't know the baby's name, so he called him mason. Soon enough it became too much for Ford, and he took Mason to his nephew's (I think Dipper and Mabel are his great niece and nephew) house. And so everything else plays out the same, Ford gets sucked into the portal and so mason, or Dipper as he likes to be called. The twins go to gravity falls and soon enough weirdmageddon happens. Ford is captured by Bill. 

“Let me go, you insane three-sided--! Wha--What is this place?” Ford said, he unfroze from being a gold statue. He Pulls at a chain on his leg. Bill rises from the floor, this time in his human form. He was playing the piano. 

“We'll meet again. Don't know where, don't know when. Oh, I know we'll meet again some sunny day.” he sings. 

“Wh-where am I?” Ford asks, looking around. 

“You're in the penthouse suite, kid! The tip of the pyramid. Have a drink.” Bill tells him, he snaps his fingers and a martini glass appears in Ford's hand “Make yourself comfortable. You know that couch is made from living human skin?" Bill says, Ford jumps off the sofa as it comes alive. 

“Aaah! Quit the games, Cipher! If I'm still alive you must want something from me.” Ford says, knowing that Bill would have killed him if he didnt need for for something. 

“Ah, sharp as ever, Fordsy.” Bill says, “and i think you know exactly what im talking about” Ford doesn't answer for a while, and doesn't know what Bill wants. 

“Actually, I don't,” he says. An angry expression appears on Bill's face. 

“Then let me remind you,” he says. “You stole my son, Alcor! 13 years ago, you came into my house and took him” Bill yelled, looking sad and angry at the same time. 

“Woah, I never kidnapped anyone,” Ford said. “Especially your child, taking anyone away from their family is cruel… i know exactly how that feels” Ford said, and for some reason Bill knew he wasn't lying. 

“But… if you didn't take him, who did?” he asked, he stared off into nothing for a while. Suddenly he turned towards Ford again. “How about we make a deal?” 

“I'll never make a deal with you!” Ford yelled. Bill sighed. 

“Even if it means stopping weirdmageddon?” Bill asked. “If you let me stay at the shack and help me find my son, i'll stop weirdmageddon and send every one of my friends back to the nightmare realm” Bill said, Ford started to think about it. And finally he agreed. 

“Fine, it's a deal” and so both of them shook hands. As soon as Ford pulled his hand from Bills gloved one the fearamind began shaking. Bill snapped his fingers and both he and Ford were now standing in the middle of the forest. They watched as the fearamid was pulled back into the rip, and so were Bill's friends. Mabel's bubble had already popped. And so the duo made their way to the shack. 

“Grunkle Ford!” Dipper and Mabel yelled, running out of the shack to greet him. 

“Kids, I'm so glad you're ok,” he says, hugging the younger twins. “Now where's stanley? I need to talk to him” Ford said. And then on que stan walked out of the shack. 

“What's going on out here?” Stan asked. 

“Stanley! We need to talk right now” Ford exclaimed, he turned to face Bill who was just standing there. “You, inside now” 

“Cant, you have that barrier that you set up to keep me out '' Bill states, putting his hand on it and it flashed purple. 

“Ford, is that who i think it is?” Dipper asked, he grabbed Mabel and pulled her behind himself. 

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