I'm a demon and I'm adopted? Part 3

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I'm a demon and I'm adopted? Part 3

Dippers pov 

When I got back from my encounter with Mabel, Bill was on my bed, reading one of sixer's journals. 
“So what did you get?” he asked. I throw myself on the bed. 
“A lovely talk with shooting star” i say, 
“She said she'd give me anything I wanted” Bill looked excited. “If i went to stay with them” 
“No way!” she shouted, Bill had always been protective of me since he found me. “There's no way they are not going to do something to you, if you're going I'm going to,” he said. 
“Never say you couldn't come, it ll be fun to annoy sixter and scam with fez” i laugh. 
“Always like him, we could take him. Bet he'd come if we offered him money” bill joked, we burst out laughing. 
“So we've got a week to think of what we want, all we have to do is stay there for a few hours” i say, we began to scan the house, there was nothing good there. 
“What if we say what we want is for them to leave us alone?” i say, bill though for a second,
“Throw in some eyes and that works great!” he exclaimed. So we waited for shooting star to summon me back. A few days later she did.
“I'd say it was nice to see you again, but it isn't” Bill said. This time all of them were there.
“No wonder you don't have any friends, you're so rude” I say, punching in the shoulder lightly. 
“You're one to talk, especially after what happened in rev falls’” he said. I rolled my eyes. 
“It wasn't that bad” I argue back.  
“You killed your reverse selfe!” he shouted, throwing his arms up
“I didn't try and besides he was a dick and was trying to kill us” i say, 
“Still! But their show was shit, even Gideon had a better one” he said, laughing. 
“anyway, shooting star we've come to an arrangement” 
She nodded, smiling 
“Both me and Bill will stay with you if you stay away from us after we leave, oh and Bill wants some eyes. Also if we get any summoners we get to go, it's our job.” i say, she frowned. And looked at sixter “Its that or nothing, take it or we're leaving. I have so much better thing to do” sixter nodded. 
“Fine, deal” 
We shook hands, we walked towards the shack, well me and Bill floated and were talking about weird stuff that none of the others would understand. 
“So dip-” i 
“Alcor” I growled out. 
“Ok, alcor you and bill will have to share a room in the attic” ford said, fez sat on the sofa 
“Don't break anything!” he shouted. Me and bill looked at eachother and shouted 
“No promises” before running up the stairs, i heard mabel say
“Did two demons, one being Bill cipher, just run up the stairs when they have powers?” 
We both laugh. 
A few days had passed, and most of the tension was gone. Ford would avoid us as much as possible and shooting star would try and hang out with us but get bored and leave to see pacifica. 
Tonight fez had tried to cook something and had ended up having to by some takeaway. 
“These chips are nice, i haven't had chips in ages!” i say, munching on the chips stan had gotten. 
“So, what did you do around the multiverse?” sixter asked. 
“Well, there was this really nice bar” i start 
“Pinetree! Please don't do this to me” bill said, i just laughed. 
“Bill over here thought it was a good idea to flirt with one of the women there, lets just say that bill had a bangejes of a week.” I say, Bill crosses his arms angrily. 
“Oh, you want embarrassing stories, I'll give you embarrassment” he said glaring at me. “So me and pinetree found this really nice dimension, and pinetree tried to get into a school. He got in, but a week later I went to see him and found the school in ruins” he said, no! Not this story! “Some girl, he still refuses to tell me who, had tried to punch him because he bumped into her. So pinetree burnt the whole school” bill told them. 
“Realy?” fez asked. 
“Well you won the fight” fez said
“Actually, a week later the same kid came into our dimension and tried to kill us. It took us a whole week to clean up our house” 
“Oh, what about that time you watched harry potter, i still have that clip of you” i teased. 
“No, don't do it pinetree” he said as I pulled out my phone. 

‘Why wasn't drarry canon!?!? I'm going to kill jk rowling, that bich’ he yelled. 
‘You just can't just kill her! Even if she is a homophobic arcehole’ i say, 
‘Yugh, I'm going to read that drarry and wolfstar fanfic’ Bill yelled walking out of the room. 

“He burnt our tv, and all of the books.” I tell them. 
The rest of the night was us telling embarrassing stories about each other. 
The end
Part 3 of 3

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