About an hour later, Rebecca changed the channel in the lounge room to another morning news channel but most of them were over. She had a cold cup of tea in her hand because she was too lazy to warm it up. The kitchen was so far...

The buzzer went off again and Rebecca groaned before opening the door to see Luke in his usual black jeans and some dark shirt. Today it was a Rolling Stones black shirt with a few holes in it. He had a smile on his face.
"You look like what I flushed down the toilet," Luke laughed.
"Do you want to come in or not?" Rebecca chuckled.
"Yes please."

Luke walked right in as Rebecca slid to the side and closed the door behind him. She watched as Luke placed a bouquet of red roses on her granite kitchen bench and put a little woven basket next to it. Rebecca sat on the barstool in front of it as Luke opened the basket.
"I remember coming over to yours after school when you were sick. The guys would poke fun because they called me whipped. I bought you everything my mum would when I was sick and the next day you came to school," Luke said. He pulled out a little glass container with red rubber lid on top. Next, he had saltine crackers, flu medicine, a mug and a CD.
"You didn't have to," Rebecca said.
"Yes I did. You're getting married in a month. I also paid for an hour treatment at the spa in downtown tomorrow, anything you want."
"Why are you doing all of this?"

At this point, Luke looked up at Rebecca. She saw his pretty blue eyes that she didn't know she missed until she saw them just then. He looked wonderful; for a second she had forgotten why she let him go.
"Because I want to," was his simple answer as if Rebecca were oblivious and Luke had been hinting it all along like a childhood crush.
"Thank you," Rebecca whispered.

The soup tasted so good. Rebecca wondered where Luke had gotten it because he couldn't cook to save his life. She knew that as a fact... everyone did.

"Have you taken anything so far?" Luke asked. They were sitting on the lounge in Rebecca's lounge room, watching stupid talk shows that talked about obesity in Australia or teenager drinking cases.
"Not today, no," Rebecca said.
"Well you're going to take this," Luke held up a plastic bottle of flu pills that Rebecca didn't notice.
"I don't know that brand," Rebecca said, taking the bottle from his hands.
"It's Danish," Luke shrugged, "But don't worry I take this all the time and look at me."

Rebecca scrunched her nose in disgust. "I rather not." Luke just smirked.
"You know how many girls would kill for your spot right now?" he said.
"Why? Is it because of Noah? Plenty of girls want to marry him... I know. His family owns like half of New South Wales."
"Well yeah, I guess. But I meant me. So many girls would kill to have Luke Hemmings take care of them when they were sick."
"Yeah, I guess they would."

Luke shrugged, sighing and losing his upbeat attitude. "Too bad they only like the label of it. They don't want me, they just want the fact that they're with Luke Hemmings... not just Luke, you know?"
He shook his head, "You probably don't know."
"No," Rebecca said, "I do. So many girls want to be friends with me to get the first shipments of Michael Kors dresses and things like that. They want the stuff not the friend."

She frowned. Amy was her only friend and even she wanted all the things that Rebecca had mentioned and more. Rebecca only kept Amy around because she knew her the longest. Sometimes, Amy was a great friend and sometimes Amy was a great faker.
"I totally get it," Luke said, receiving the glass of water that Rebecca was drinking from and putting it in the sink.
"So are we really just staying indoors today?" Rebecca said with a frown.
"You'll get better soon if we stay indoors but its up to you," Luke shrugged.
"If we do go out, where would we go?"
"There's a bakery I've always wanted to take you to but... you know what happened before I could take you."

Rebecca looked down at her lap in guilt and then looked back up at Luke. He looked genuinely happy. She wondered what he did to make him so happy.
"Take me," she said.
"Y-you sure?" Luke asked.
"Yes, now we better go before I change my mind."

Red Roses [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now