Tch, Charles scoffed mentally as he stands up, the rough texture of the cold pavement hurting his feet a bit. You're just jealous mine supports me still while yours basically disowned you; he thought but of course, he didn't voice it because he knew it would be going below the belt.

The screen flashed the contanct name 'Dad'. Charles tried to grab it from her, and he's close to touching it but of course, Eunice isn't gonna give up that east. To annoy Charles even more, she threw it away.

"What the fúck Eunice!" Charles exclaimed, his frustrations suddenly heightening up as his phone hit one of the nearby cars, doing a few small damages on its windshield.

It alerted the man in a black suit, who seemed to be the owner of the vehicle. It took his attention away from his ongoing call. First, he glanced the phone threw at his way, then the damaged windshield.

The man glanced at their way, sending both of them death threats.

"Shit, see what you did?" Charles hissed at Eunice, who just gave him a wide mocking smile.

"I do. Amazing throw, isn't it?" Eunice smirked, raising her hand in front of Charles, wiggling her fingers and mouthing a 'bye'. "Goodluck explaining, babe."

Charles scoffed, turning to the man they disturbed. He's parked in front of the bakery shop Ms Murphy owns. "Uh, sorry for that, sir--"

"Is this yours?" The man asked in a language Charles didn't understand. What he understand is when the man swinged his phone in his long fingers.

"Uh, yes~?" Charles hesitantly nodded, confused. He reached out for his phone but the man raised it higher, above his head. Unfortunately for Charles, the man is a lot taller than him that even if he tiptoe, he wouldn't be able to reach it.

"What~" Charles narrowed his eyes at the man who scanned him up and down with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, can i please have my phone? I'll pay the damages i've caused, promise~"

He's about to reach out again, only for the foreign man to drop his phone to the pavement. With his brightly polished black shoes, he stepped on it hard, causing it to crack and bend.

"H-hey!" Charles gasped, offended. If it's still usable earlier, then there's no way it would still work this time. It doesn't even look like a phone anymore, it looks like a junk piece from a metal scrap.

"--yeah, i'll try to come tomorrow too. Bye for now." A man came out of the bakery along with Ms Murphy. Tall and well dressed as well. "Oh, there he is. Xánder, my mom wanna say hi."

"That's Xànder? Oh! Look at you, you grew a lot since i last saw you!" Ms Murphy giggled. Indeed, the man looks grown now. Gelled back hair and newly shaved face. He looked clean with the professional attire as well.

Ms Murphy gave him a welcoming smile, though Xànder didn't respond to that, he didn't even spare her a glance. That's when they noticed Charles. "Charles? How's the--oh dear, why are you barefoot?"

Charles sighed and greeted the lady with a quiet 'hi' before crouching down, trying to get his broken phone under the man's shoe. "--let go!"

"What's the problem~?" Ms Murphy asked, about to help Charles up but the other guy, who seemed to be his son, preceded on doing so.

"Hey, are you okay?" The other guy asked as he helped him stand. Charles didn't accept the help tho as he is fully capable of standing up himself.

"You jerk, you have to pay for that." Charles hissed, pointing at the object under the man's foot. Though, Xànder didn't budge. He even looks amused.

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